Inkwash's More Heroic Space

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Hailing from Olde England and being a slightly debonair prince of dukedoms, but more of a Robin Hood style character, it's (jolly fanfare) Inkwash.

Note the tri-corner hat with feather for ballistic achievements (unspecified).

Note the dashing green outfit (but breeches, not tights! Too uncomfortable).

Note that condescending look at the distant horizon...

Yes you guessed it, people of H2G2. The ranks of CHOPPERS have been swelled by one more superhero.

Super Powers

  • Drinking hot drinks quite fast
  • Immunity to Monday hangovers
  • Fitting perfectly into tall, narrow spaces
  • Ability to see bright colours at long distances
  • Being able to make a noise like a bowling ball using only my mouth
  • (Apparently) Using the "furtive glance" distilled as raw energy
  • The odd bout of projecting fire, but that might have been a one-off caused by an unsavoury diet...

Guide to Superheroing

Red Dog has provided CHOPPERS with the definitive Superhero Manual.

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