Will This Winter Never End?
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

OK, Now they admit it, the winters were better during World War 2! The newspapers tell us that there was more cold, dry weather with sparkling snow in sparkling sunshine in the
good old days when Everything was Better.
This winter it has been raining 70% more than usual! No wonder people have been grumpy. After months of dark, cold, wetness we all long for the spring. The local newspaper has sent out a call for evidence of spring (vÄrtegn). Anything that can be associated with the coming of the new season is welcome, like an early flower, small green tips on twigs, findings of last years lost marbles... We want to wear light shoes instead of these heavy boots, we want to wear miniskirts and sunglasses. We want green. Green, green, green!
You wouldn't think that eyes could get hungry, but they do. The whole population is longing to be able to visit sidewalk restaurants, drinking beer in the sun; even those of us who don't drink. We want to sit outside and feel the warmth from the sun turn our dough-white faces into rosy pink, stretch our hunched bodies to full length and look at each other again. We want to recognise faces not seen since last summer, even if we have been in the same town all the time... the most desperate of us gives up and leaves, at least for a while!
Best regards from Birthe (off to Lanzarote, Canary Islands in two weeks time!)
So, the sun is shining as I write this, it's still ****** cold!
(Have a great time then! Ed.)