Take 5, multiply by 3, minus 7, plus 2.
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

Every day a number of newly approved entries are recommended on the h2g2 Main Page... These go by unnoticed to most users as they focus around their own page. This weekly article points out and reviews the ten most entertaining and interesting entries of the week, as far as I'm concerned anyway. My tastes do not reflect yours in any way and feel free to have completely different ideas from mine, it is after all a free country.
Absolute Zero Go stick your hand in the freezer, go on... leave it there a few minutes. Turned blue yet? Well you may think this is cold but it's still a hell of a lot warmer than absolute zero.
Captain James Cook Now this was a man who didn't like to hang around one place too long. I don't like the idea of getting on a cruise ship and sailing halfway round the world and knowing where I am going, so what this extraordinary man did over 200 years ago, sailing off into the unknown on a cramped ship with a crew of rowdy seamen in terrible conditions deserves respect.
Diskless Workstations, Network Computers and ASPs This is one of those things that seems a good idea at the time, but doesn't quite work out. Now, most of the time, this lesson only needs to be learnt once, so why not when it comes to computers?
Fireworks Whats the best way to burn money and watch it go up in smoke? No, not your central heating, but fireworks. Learn the history, how to make them and most importantly, how to use them safely.
Meat pies Now I come from Yorkshire, in England, and so the meat pie is pretty much a central feature of my diet... and therefore must be mentioned. A truly worthy guide entry.
Modelling Clay and Stop-Motion Animation Truly a wonderous substance without which mine, and many other childhoods would not have been so enjoyable. For most people it's just used to mess up the carpet, but some decided to make superstars out of it.
Quaggas I was just curious about this one, as I had no idea what it was when I read the title. Who thinks up these names anyway?
Relativity Now this has nothing to do with your parents or mad uncle Bert, but a brief description of Einsteins famous theory. Now if only I could come up with a good theory and get off with a Hollywood actress!
The Nag Hammadi Codices Another guide entry proving my ignorance of all things religious in that I had never heard of it. Read all about these significant artifacts and their impact on Christian beliefs.
The Tunguska Incident Another take on what 'really' happened at Tunguska in 1908. One for all you X-files fans out there.