The Virtual Mayor of London

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The End Is Nigh

The polling station closed! All the votes were in and I knew the result. There had been a
late rush, and the competition was hanging in the balance. The two front-runners were 'Ant'
and 'Fenchurch M. Mercury'. Only I was party to the outcome, but I had promised Peta that she
would be the first to know. Today was Sunday and the Towers were closed, so I had to sit on my
hands and not reveal the result until she had a chance to prepare the announcement.

The Mayor

I was
inundated with messages over 'icq'... and in the forums, but managed to avoid 'letting slip'.
I sent the complete breakdown of the poll through to Peta; there had been exactly 100 votes
cast, including one 'spoilt' paper from someone who obviously thought it clever to send in a
rude comment, so, although this was only a very small proportion of the h2g2 family, I felt it
had all been a success.

Finally, the news was out! Peta did me proud on the front page and very kindly put the results
up on a new page. Within hours the congratulations were pouring in... was it necessary to put
in quite so many smiley faces Jimi-X?!

Miss Fenchurch M. Mercury is the new Virtual Mayor of London.

I breathed a sigh of relief. The job was done!... oh... apart from the formation of the
'Kitchen Cabinet'. I will hand over to the Lady herself next week, however, so that she may
tell you how that came about. If we are all very lucky she may well tell us all how her
policies are shaping up, and whether she will be making any changes to 'The Virtual City of

The Virtual Mayor of London Election Archive


31.01.00. Front Page

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