A Conversation for Talking Point: h2g2 Front Page Changes

Is this good advertising for the BBC or hootoo? Really?

Post 1


Right now I have three other windows open, each displaying the results of using the link to h2g2 on other sites.

- h2g2 on Twitter. This window shows a list of short bits of allegedly real-time chatter about h2g2, some of it quite inane, plus a few links to h2g2 entries.

- h2g2 on Wikipedia. This window displays a wiki entry that starts with the following disclaimer:

"This article needs references that appear in reliable third-party publications. Primary sources or sources affiliated with the subject are generally not sufficient for a Wikipedia article. Please add more appropriate citations from reliable sources. (January 2007)"

Such a disclaimer dated so long ago might lead a reader to disbelieve the contents of this wiki entry. From my personal standpoint and experience as a hootoo researcher, there seems nothing wrong with the facts stated rather dryly in the entry, however wikipedia's editorial style is the bane of the sparkling and friendly writing style ordinarily gracing our help pages.

- h2g2 on Facebook. This window displays the Facebook login page. I quit Facebook within days of joining it, because it was so annoying. Sorry but I'm not going to re-join, since it is probably just as annoying as it was when I quit.

Maybe it is good advertisement. After all, there's no such thing as bad publicity. And I suppose all this will make hootoo look awesome in comparison.

Is this good advertising for the BBC or hootoo? Really?

Post 2


Tuesday 28th April, 2009 13.55
I would agree with Happy Nerd,

I am not too clear about the link with AViators. I went to it, but could not work out why it was so important to h2g2.

We have many fine researchers on this website. The fact is that there is a democratic feel about this website that makes it most refreshing. I also feel that the content is generally very fascinating, stimulating and interesting -even if one has either not encountered, or heard of it before.

With sincere good wishes for the Editor's conclusion to be faithful to the ideals and vision of our founder. dna

Christiane M.E.

Is this good advertising for the BBC or hootoo? Really?

Post 3


The Twitter link I've not used; I don't see how a 140-char limit can adequately reflect any of the happenings on this site.

Wikipedia's "dry" style is that of a genuine reference work, hence the a) difference in styles between here and there, and b) their requirements for independant citations. And, while certainly our informal jollity is a welcome diversion, sometimes I'd really like to have those kinds of citations on this site as well!

The Facebook login is shown because the group has been set not to be viewable to the general public. I'm not actually sure if you can even make these kinds of choices on there now, but again all it's going to be doing is offering a different way for people to socialise outside of the BBC's site rather than offer any real insight into the depth of articles etc...

Is this good advertising for the BBC or hootoo? Really?

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

>>I am not too clear about the link with AViators. I went to it, but could not work out why it was so important to h2g2<<

Christiane, the AViators are volunteers from h2g2.

Go here for more information:


All the content you see on our homepage is made by people like you - researchers who spend their free time to add to h2g2.

Unfortunately, we don't have the possibility to host audio/visual content on h2g2 directly, so the Aviators' homepage was set up for that purpose.

Is this good advertising for the BBC or hootoo? Really?

Post 5


Dear B'Elana,

I did go to the guide thread thich you indicated before I wrote that thread.

Thank you for the explication which I totally accept.

Have a good day.


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