A Conversation for A Common Girl (UG)

You're Booked, human8471...

Post 1

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

A Common Girl is now listed in the UnderGuide Archives.

It's a moving and enlightening Entry. Thanks for sharing it with us all.

Pinsmiley - smiley

(This message would normally be posted to your Personal Space, but a glitch is preventing me from doing so. I hope you find it here OK instead!)

You're Booked, human8471...

Post 2

Phred Firecloud

I just discussed this glitch with the Jimster and hopefully a fix will be on the way.


You're Booked, human8471...

Post 3

The Lone Arranger

Ok..If you REALLY want to leave a message on Human's personal space, do this (coutesy Jim Lynn),

Human first registered on WW2 so you'd have to sign in there. Try visiting their space on WW2:


If you click on the 'Leave a Message' button on this page you should be asked to confirm membership of ww2, and after you've done that, it should let you post.

Note from Phred- you will need to register on the WW2 space prior to leaving a message.. .

You're Booked, human8471...

Post 4


very true and touching only the ordinary people wont be able to read it they can only feel life on daily basis

Hello, Its very intere...............

Post 5


Hi Flyingtwinkle, smiley - smiley
Thanks for the response. I flew on your personal space. Its very interesting that you know many languages.
Mastering something is not an easy task.
Hope you will go thru my other entries and will send some comments on it.
Till then smiley - goodluck

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