A Conversation for Human Prejudices Part 1

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A492806 - Human Prejudices Part 1

Post 1


Entry: Human Prejudices Part 1 - A492806
Author: Ocellus - U163811

I'm going to make several more parts on Human Prejudice. Looking for a collaborater with little experience on this site(like me.) Once I have all the pieces put together I will put the first up for peer review. When accepted I will subsequently release the series bi-weekly.

A492806 - Human Prejudices Part 1

Post 2

Martin Harper

You there Ocellus? I've recc'd that this entry be moved to the entry - you've not got any feedback here for a couple months, so it seems unlikely you'll get any - and it looks like you've not visited h2g2 for a while, either.

I guess you're unlikely to find an anthropology professor who just happens to be hanging round here. If you want help, I suggest you first look inside...

A492806 - Human Prejudices Part 1

Post 3


thank you that is true

A492806 - Human Prejudices Part 1

Post 4

Martin Harper

Spooky. Have you been lurking here for three months, or did you just happen to come back today, or do you have another account?

Weird world.

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A492806 - Human Prejudices Part 1

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