BBC Imagineering:Project Glasgow

3 Conversations

Project Glasgow (my working title)

Idea: To find interesting things to see/do/eat/drink in Glasgow,

along with local lingo and culture, a la 'The Guide' as envisioned by DNA.

The keywords here are "Unconventional Wisdom".
This isn't any normal guide, after all.

People involved:

BBC Imagineering Dept.
Lyns (Producer) based in Edinburgh.

Mark Rickards (Producer) based in Glasgow.

Anne (BBC Webdesign Dept.)

Those on H2G2 who have expressed an Interest:

ResearcherU No.Location
Demon DrawerU104826Ireland
Dr E VibensteinU40285Falkirk
Fashion CatU137089Edinburgh/London
Kaila TharsdatterU164924Glasgow
Lost in ScotlandU98749Greenock/Glasgow
Peet the PPPU38364Aberdeen
Underground CarolineU119285Stirling/Edinburgh

Possible Articles/Areas of Interest:

Food:Best Curry or Where to get Curry
Good restaurants to eat in i.e. Italian, French, Chinese etc.
Areas with choice i.e. Byres Road, in town, St. Vincent Street
Drink:Best/favourite pubs. Good ales. Scottish/Local drinks Irn Bru/Ginger
Areas for pub crawls ie Byres Road/Partick, in town,
History:St. Mungo, the Clyde and shipbuilding (QE2), City of Architecture '99
Local Culture:Lingo, Customs, Music
University Culture:Clubs, clothes/fashion.
Transport:Bus, rail, underground, taxis.
Stats:Geography, population, unemployment etc.

Links to resources:

Links within h2g2:
Lord Kelvin
Mark Knopfler
Irn Bru
Links outwith h2g2:
Pubs etc.

Progress to Date:

4/8-12-2000Various h2g2 researchers on siteDecision made to have meet-up in Glasgow on 06-01-2001 to further discuss project.
Dr E Vibenstein
Underground Caroline
Mini-meet (See Journal Entry as dated here.)
Demon Drawer
Fashion Cat
Underground Caroline
Brenmac (at work)
Various. See "Initial Assignments" and "The Log" below.
Initial Assignments
LynsFill in gaps
MarkFill in gaps
Babel-17Keeping a log of the whole process (inc some film of him introducing other researchers)
BrenmacWorks at 'What's That Glasgow' - interested in art/architecture (also in the Glasgow Vampyre Society)
Also good at collating useful websites etc
Demon Drawer and Fashion CatRomantic spots in Glasgow?(have audio recording re them meeting online)
Dr E VibensteinGlasgow music guide - EVs jukebox of Glasgow bands
JamieCompiling h2g2 researchers recommended pubs
Lost in ScotlandAs a Scandinavian based in Glasgow, he suggested a photo montage of him 'lost' in a variety of interesting locations (outside famous buildings perhaps)
Could team up with Brenmac, who would have knowledge of the buildings
KailaGuide to comic and sci-fi bookshops in Glasgow
MunchkinHas recorded a video guide to random facts about the West End of Glasgow
Also has knowledge of pubs in same area
SPINY· Interested in recording a guide to the best curries in Glasgow
- will need help from native Glaswegian
TheRealScottAdamsInteresting idea to do a guide based around Glasgow monopoly (pubs?)
Underground CarolineWants to do a video guide to the Glasgow Underground (Clockwork Orange)
Guide to Irn Bru?
WunbeevilWants to do a 'Parliamo Glasgow' guide with sound files.
Additional idea to film him reciting a McGonagall poem about Glasgow on video in variety of locations
ZanticContribute articles
The Log of 06-01-2001
11.20B-17 and Lyns meet up with SPINY on the train from Edinburgh to Glasgow Queen Street
11.30LiS arrives in Glasgow, way early for the meet-up as usual.
11.40LiS logs onto h2g2 from EasyEverything, finds EV still logged on from home.
12.15LiS heads off to "What's that Glasgow?", meets Brenmac (who was unfortunate enough to be working).

Lyns, B-17 and SPINY arrive in Glasgow, head for the Counting House, but decide to try and find Brenmac first.
12.30B-17, Lyns and SPINY arrives at "What's that Glasgow?" and find Brenmac and LiS.
12.40LiS gets message from EV on phone to say that EV will be late due to Scotrail "mess-up".
12.45Babel-17, SPINY, Lyns and Lost arrives at the Counting House, take quick look around, but recognise nobody.

Then Munchkin arrives and his friend Jamie joins us. Find a quiet spot in alcove area and joina few tables together. SPINY and B-17 head to the bar.

Shortly afterwards, Zantic arrives.
13.05Wumbeevil arrives in good spirit and greets the crowd.
13.23B-17 spots EV enter and clls hm over. Buys pint and EV joins the party.
13.25Everyone starts to order food as Lyns goes around peole getting contact numbers and ideas for what they would like to do.
13.35Mark turns up. SPINY proceeds to photograph everyone. UC arrives, shortly followed by Kaila and RSA. This involves more rounds, and more food. Everyone who has a camera is clicking away.
13.45Lyns decides to start filming the goings on.
13.50Local Big Issue seller gatecrashes table and demands to be filmed doing his great Big Issue poem, then demands money from us for the privilege.
13.55Lyns films us and Mark as he tells us the background to the project.
14.00A decision is made to finish up and head for George Square to get introductions done on camera before the light fades. Mark has left by now.
14.15After a false start, Lyns films everyone trooping out of the Counting House and across to George Square. The filming of intros begins.
15.00Filming over, decide to go back to pub, but Counting House rather full now. Various trips for various reasons are made inside.
15.05Munchkin, Jamie, Zantic and Wumbeevil retire to the Old Printworks across George Square, while the others head up to see Brenmac.
15.10Arrive at "What's that Glasgow?" and film us meeting Brenmac, then film a bit about where he works. All present had to sign the comments book before leaving.
15.50Leave Brenmac to get on with his wrok and head back to meet up with the others in the Old Printworks, via Buchannan St. underground station.
15.55Lyns decides it might be a nice idea to film everyone going up the travellator to Queen St. Station. 4 times, much to the amusement of passers by. Forward facing, no emotion. Heads turned, no emotion. Face to camera, smiling. Group huddle, grinning like idiots.
16.10Arrive at Old Printworks, find the others ensconsed at a table to the rear, Lyns goes off to order drinks. Push tables together. Zantic decides to show off her Starfish hat's prowese at wrestling, beating TRSA and UC.
16.20Decide table arrangement is no good, due to large pillar in the way, so rearrange tables to suit. Much alcohol imbibing carries on, amid much photography.
17.20B-17 makes phonecall to DD and FC, unbeknowing that LiS has already made one.
17.30Lyns heads off to leave video camera at Mark's
17.40FC calls from the car.
17.41Lost tries to locate car but it is moving.
17.43B-17 works out roughly where DD and FC are and heads out to meet them.
17.50Big hugs as B-17 meets DD and FC just round the corner from George Square. Return to pub.
17.52Lost returns in vain from his hunt. (deja vu of his attempt to find people in August)
18.15Coelacanth phones to say hello to everyone.
18.45DD and FC order food
18.50Lyns returns and takes DD and FC off for an interview
18.51DD and FC's food turns up (at the other end of the pub from where they now are sitting)
19.15DD, FC and Lyns return. Everyone else has now eaten. Zantic heads for home and free curry courtesy of her parents.
19.23Group leave pub
19.30DD and FC start to fill UC and B-17 in on all the gossip.
19.35Group say good bye to Lyns at Queen Street Station
19.36Munchkin leads group towards West End Pub, via Underground, whereby Wumbeevil has an arguament with a ticket machine.
20.00Arrive at the Uisge Beathe pub.
21.00Pyromania ensues with a candle and an unsuspecting postcard.
21.25B-17 knocks his pint over, which flows off the table onto LiS. B-17 kindly provides his towel to help dry LiS off.
21.26B-17 heads to the bar yet again.
22.00DD and FC stop telling UC and B-17 the gossip.
22.10SPINY heads for the underground and home.
22.30DD, FC, B-17, UC, LiS and EV leave Pub. Munchkin takes group photo. Head for underground singing the theme from "The Monkees", while doing the walk. Much hilarity ensues on the underground.
23.00EV heads along platform to catch Falkirk bound train, after much hugging and goodbyes
23.02LiS leaves Queen St. Station heading for Central Station and the West-bound train for Greenock.
23.10DD and FC head home to Stoneyburn, via Stirling and Dalgety Bay having kindly offered UC and B-17 a lift home.
* Please note all times are approximate.
Photographs can be found at the following locations:
EV's PicsMunchkin's PicsWumbeevil's Pics 
11-01-2001On-siteLyns posts that Anne, the Webdesigner will bu up in Glasgow from 16-01-01 and that the cameraman, Esteban will be available for filming from 18-01-01 until 26-01-01
13-01-2001On-SiteLyns posts Mini-meet to meet-up with Anne for 17-01-01 at the Old Printworks, from 17.00
15-01-2001On-SiteLyns posts revised Ideas so far. (See below)
Babel-17How hard is the Glasgow hard man? Rab C Nesbitt v Versace! (possible video with vox pops - may need 'extras' - volunteers?!)
BrenmacHelp Lost in Scotland (he'll also introduce us to the Scottish vampyre society - video/photomontage)
Demon Drawer and Fashion CatAudio love story (with photomontage of top 10 romantic spots in Glasgow - currently seeking DD and FC body doubles!)
Dr E VibensteinGlasgow bands guide (virtual CD player with info and music from 6 bands - past and present)
JamiePossibly compiling the pub guide (made up of all our recommendations)
Lost in ScotlandPhotomontage of Lost lost in front of a variety of key Glasgow landmarks (Brenmac is compiling list and will also feature in guide, giving background to the buildings - in vamp costume)
MunchkinA video tour featuring random facts about Glasgow's West End (recorded already)
SPINYGlasgow Curry guide (with the help of the rest of us?)
Kaila Tharsdatter
Guide to Glasgow subculture (eg comic bookshops etc... possibly done visually through Glasgow monopoly board or the like?)
Underground CarolineA humourous video guide to the Glasgow Underground or Clockwork Orange. *Ardzil knows some useful facts a
WunbeevilBabelfish dictionary/phrasebook: English/Glasgwegian (with sound files) Plus video reciting McGonagall poem in a variety of locations

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