A Conversation for Leanne's Party

Party Over Here :-) can all conversations be posted here please

Post 161

Spaceballer (Guardian of Satsumas and other orange fruit)

Oh, God. Happy New Year, Leanne. Overdosed on orange juice and was forced to drink smiley - ale all Christmas.

New Year's Eve was especially bad, wandering around various Soho parties, in the search for a stiff smiley - stiffdrink and the love of a fine woman.

Only found my bed and woke up with a mouth full of gerbil poo.


Party Over Here :-) can all conversations be posted here please

Post 162

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Charming smiley - tongueout

Long time no speak smiley - smiley is everything ok with you my dear?

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Post 163

Spaceballer (Guardian of Satsumas and other orange fruit)

Stress and issues at work. Stress and issues at home. smiley - sadface

New Year's resolutions is to have less stress, eat more fruit - if that were possible - and wibble to more people at h2g2 smiley - ok.

Would offer a smiley - ale, but I'm off them for a couple of days. Know a smiley for juice?

Party Over Here :-) can all conversations be posted here please

Post 164

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Heres a smiley for orange juice smiley - ojsmiley - smiley

< oj > no spaces or | % | no spaces

smiley - sadface sorry to hear you have lots of stress and issues at the moment, have a juice on me smiley - oj

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Post 165

Spaceballer (Guardian of Satsumas and other orange fruit)

There I was thinking it was a larger top, or some such beverage. I really fancy a smiley - hotdog but there seems to be a food fight in the !!! conversation and none are left. Probably for the best as I'm flushing my system with fruit - sounds disgusting, I know.

How are things in Ace and Scout land? I've been too busy to do much subbing for H2G2.

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Post 166

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Cool when did you become a sub smiley - ok

Its got better I was made both an ACE and Scout in the same day so I had to learn about both smiley - sadface it took a while to get through the emails but I got the hang of it now smiley - smiley

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Post 167

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Aha! Dr St J's tip #1 for scouts, ACE's and the like:

If possible, set up your email to automatically put emails from the different groups into different folders - it makes your inbox less cluttered (and the whole lot looks like a lot less!), and you don't get your 'ordinary' email mixed up with 'official h2g2' stuff.

smiley - smiley Hope that helps a little!

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Post 168

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Ive got a separate email account for my h2g2 stuff smiley - nahnah but I havent set up separate addresses for each thing smiley - sadface but its ok Im up to date with it all smiley - erm I hope

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Post 169

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

I wouldn't worry too much. If it's that important, you'll hear about it! smiley - winkeye

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Post 170

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - tongueout

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Post 171

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin


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Post 172

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - blushsmiley - smooch

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Post 173

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

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Post 174

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - kiss + smiley - tongueout = smiley - blush lol talking in smileys now

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Post 175

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

It had to happen eventually! smiley - smooch

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Post 176

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - hug + smiley - kiss

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Post 177

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

smiley - hug + smiley - tickle => smiley - smooch

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Post 178

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - hug + smiley - smooch = smiley - blush + smiley - silly

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Post 179

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

smiley - hug + smiley - kiss + smiley - tickle + smiley - smooch = smiley - loveblush

Party Over Here :-) can all conversations be posted here please

Post 180

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - blush + smiley - hug + smiley - kiss + smiley - smooch + smiley - tongueout = smiley - loveblush

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