A Conversation for Leanne's Party

mmmm... donuts

Post 1

Spaceballer (Guardian of Satsumas and other orange fruit)

Hello darling smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Cool party! Love the balloons.smiley - magic

Have brought you a present smiley - spider - only joking. Here, have cute fluffy smiley - dog.

Excuse me, I think I see a rogue smiley - donut


mmmm... donuts

Post 2

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - blush aww thanks for coming and thanks for the smiley - dog I dont dont what to call him smiley - sadface *cuddles puppy*

Go enjoy yourself smiley - kiss

mmmm... donuts

Post 3

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

So everyone can meet everyone I have set up another conversation forum to post to ok smiley - smiley instead of these separate ones

go there and have fun smiley - ale

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