A Conversation for Take it to the Max

Merci Buckets!!!

Post 1


So there I am. It's not long before 4am, and I'm reading a book about post-war reconstruction in Europe. Interesting, but not in an electric way, so my lids are starting to droop.

Then, out of the blue like a switch being flicked, "Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby!!!" popped into my head. You're a *saboteur*, that's what you are! smiley - winkeye

Good read though. smiley - ok

How are Max's aches now?

Merci Buckets!!!

Post 2


*bow* One does what one can!

Max is doing good - has certainly lost a bit of weight, and is out for short walks on a long lead each day, which suits us all. He's also getting liquid glucosamine every day, and it seems the limping has gone.

Not sure we're ready for dog school again, but I'll ring the dog whisperer to discuss. I might leave any thoughts of agility training for a wee while yet.

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