Talking Point: Who or What Would You Like to Find in Your Christmas Stocking?

27 Conversations

A gecko putting an anchovy into his Christmas stocking

We're coming up to the holiday season again, running around trying the find the most appropriate gifts for our nearest and dearest. Wouldn't it just be easier if they told us exactly what they'd really like to find in their stocking?

So tell us, what would you like to be given on Christmas morning? You can either be entirely practical, and perhaps even redirect your relatives over to h2g2 for a few tips, or you can be entirely unrealistic, but very, very optimistic and suggest that someone slips Claudia Schiffer, in a gold bikini, into your stocking. Hey, we can dream, right?

Here are few thought-provoking gift ideas:

  • Tickets to somewhere in the world; where would you like to go and why?

  • A date with a person from the present or past; why would you like to meet them?

  • Your favourite piece of art or sculpture

  • An historical object, from any museum in the world

  • Something philanthropic, like world peace

  • Something selfish, like waking up with the perfect body and irresistable sex appeal

Go on, you know you'd love it really...

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