A Conversation for L'Ambassade Terrestre de h2g2


Post 1

Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide)


Je m'appelle Kumetanzuka - ou Lady K - une des administratrices de l'Ambassade. Je vous souhaite une bonne sejour amusant a h2g2!

S'il vous plait, mettez vos commentaires ci-dessous.

Vouz allez recevoir une reponse aussi vite que possible.


Lady K, et l'Administration


Post 2

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Bon Jour! Salut! Je suis tellement contente de savoir qu'il a d'autre langues sur le h2g2! C'est moi, JLC the TTP. Comment allez vous tous?
Il me manque beaucoup de parlez francais, et comme c'est choette qu'il a aussi la langue maternal de mon ami ANNA NORSE GODDESS!


Post 3

Kumetanzuka the capricious

This post has been removed.


Post 4

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Well, I really don't know what to say about this response. I don't want to break any house rules that would get me banished from the h2g2. When I first got back to my site it was hidden pending moderation and I tried to edit it several times but to no avail. Are All Languages other than English prohibited on postings of the h2g2 forums? If so why was I able to get to this Community Site where there are several languages posted? Please respond directly.

CC: Lady K
Mark Moxon


Post 5

Kumetanzuka the capricious


I don't know exactly WHAT is going on. It seemed for a while that French was still allowed, as I edited the Embassy entries a couple times and the French ones never disappeared. Therefore, I'm not really sure why my French post disappeared. I'm confused too.

This is the first time I've posted in French since I returned to the guide, and also the first time one of my actual posts has been removed. I guess I'm going to have to read over the new rules again and figure out what's going on.

As I said in French, in the previous message that was removed, I'm hoping that once I get back to using my computer more often, maybe we can work something out with the editors in order to help bring back at least some multilingualism in the Guide.

I don't know if the editors will read this, but if they do, I'd be interested to know if there is anything that Guide members could do to help that idea along?? My passion is language, and it saddens me to see the guide unable to deal with multilinguism. But if there's any way we can help with the moderating of it (ie helping with translation/editing where possible...) I'd feel much better, and so would a lot of non-anglophones who use the Guide!

Here's hopin' smiley - smiley

Lady K


Post 6

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Thanks for the response Dearest Lady,
I was glad to find the Terran Embassy, speaking of wanting multilinglism, it makes one feel like a terrorist so the Terran Embassy was a great choice for a location name. As you know I also am very interested in Spanish. Let's pray about it, chant about it, and just send good vibes out into the cosmos of the h2g2. Perhaps if we offer to help in translations in some way, the h2g2 could figure out an offsite link as an outreach to the rest of the earth, their cultures and languages.
Worlds of Love,


Post 7


Well hello! And what a lovely surprise to run into JLC again! How are you?

Kumetanzuka, you are officially invited to join FoLKZ, where we can freely speak in other languages and where we also talk about how to get these guys over here to loosen up a little.




Post 8

Kumetanzuka the capricious

Thanks for the invite, Grief (or do you prefer Willem, or Case... ?).

I just sent you an email. I haven't seen JLC in a while (probably since that above message was posted. She was interested in working with the Embassy, but I haven't seent her in a bit, and I figured I wouldn't worry, since the Embassy was (is) currently in a state of limbo, and doesn't need too too much help until we have SOMETHING TO DO!!!

Anyway, yes. I will see you back at our other conversation! smiley - smiley (and if you're around, JLC, do stop in and chat!)


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