Tashall test

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Who am I?

I'm a Gen X female, software research analyst, curious about the Web - if and how it will change our lives for the better. I generally get bored very easily with jobs, although I love to dabble in everything, having been an engineer as a first career, headed into journalism and am now on the IT software analysis trail...Phew!



I love languages!

So far, I can speak French (semi-fluently), Italian (if you poke me really hard in the ribs) and Latin (hardly ever used these days, is it?). And to this list, I have just added Bubblish! Now I can make polite conversation at any Aquarium I visit, which will be so much fun. This message goes out to Hugo and other bubblespeaking people: smiley - fish
.oo.. ..oOoo..OOO..oooO..o.. ..OoOo..OOO..Oo..oooO..o..oOo..ooo..oo..Oo..OOo.. ..oOO..oo..O..oooo.. ..oOOo..o..OOO..oOOo..oOoo..o.. ..OOO..ooOo.. ..O..oooo..o.. ..ooo..o..oO.. ..OoOo..OOO..OO..o.. ..OoOo..OOO..Oo..oooO..o..oOo..ooo..o.. ..oOO..oo..O..oooo.. ..OO..o.!.smiley - hug

And if you want to know what that's all about, go here

What's yer poison?

If you're not at the Forum and Firkin, come by and have a beer - I try to restock my bar fridge when it gets low from the 24-Seven. But if you come by and find it empty, don't turn away in disgust. I am probably on my way to grab another six pack or two.

My drink of choice (depending on wallet state) is Toohey's new, and the first (and only) person to correctly guess where that puts me on a map is Zeitgeist who dropped me a line entirely in Haiku!. Drop by his place and check out some of his other masterpieces. And the answer was: Australia.

Some Sydney researchers have expressed interest in meeting up (depending on where on this huge continent they are from). Drop me a line below if you are interested.

If you feel an overwhelming need to share something outside of H2G2, email me at [email protected]

This badge is in honour of me joining the ever-growing GreeboT. Cat Fan Club - awwww innie cute?

Places to find great peopleAroma CafeLIL's AtelierSwimming PoolGreebo T. Cat's H2IQ QuizHEavenForum and FirkinBooK NooKMuseHomeh2g2 Literary SocietyThe Post

I am an Assistant Community Editor {ACE}

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I am also a Guardian Angel (Patron Saint of Normality)

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And if that weren't enough, I am also a Muse (of Flights of Fancy, Musehome to be found here

Now that I have started writing entries to be even vaguely considered for submissions, I had better link to here. If you have time, please check out my latest attempts; Bathroom renovation - How to do it Cheaply and the (soon to be ready) Kama Sutra. I have also written about the controversy surrounding The Lindbergh Baby kidnapping

This is a pot plant given to me by Fashion Cat. It's a succulent, luckily, so I don't need to water it very often. I now have a part-time gardener, (St) Dragonfly (Muse of Song and Dance, MuseHome Founder, PS of Muses, Musician's Guild oboist). In honour of the plant's new found status of having her own gardener, I have also decided to name her Cassandra Crassula "Dimples".

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