A Conversation for Boots

This Guide

Post 1

Ferdinand the Imposter

What's the percentage of entries in the "favourites", "latest", "random" etc NOT written by the "HG2G writing team"? I haven't found any yet. It's a con!

This Guide

Post 2


The editor is out at lunch at the moment.

Out at lunch

Post 3

RichardG R#26400

Should that read "Out TO lunch"

No, I guess not, there must be mountains of STUFF arriving.
I, for one, will be patient. Lunch breaks are important things.

Out at lunch

Post 4


I have a small group of hobbit friends who would heartily agree with what you are saying. And a psychopathic dwarf friend who would gladly rend you limb from limb if you didn't agree with anything he says.

Out at lunch

Post 5


Interupt me when I am out to lunch and parts of you will be IN my lunch.

This Guide

Post 6

Hand of Bod, ACE

it isn't you can check out many amusing pages by simply using the find function. i myself have written one just this afternoon and Dwane (aka Zipo Bibrok, alford's resident HHGTTG anorak is writing one on a machine adjacent to me now. besides, technically anyone who has signed up as a field researcher is a member of the H2G "team". otherwise i wouldn't be able to write this would i?

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