A Conversation for Internet Pornography

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 21

Kadu Flyer

Fragilis the Melodical et al

The extra text has been added plus some more stuff that has come to me since. Thanks for the input guys and girls.

Stay Free

Kadu Flyer - A different trip in view

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 22

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Ah, this is good - debate. Firstly, K.F. I came to your piece after a particularly unpleasant day, dealing with stuff that, in some ways, was to do with the subject at hand...it kinda threw me to come to my favourite place and have this flung at me! Apologies if I over reacted; Ive read your piece, with the bits put in (nicely put Fragilis)and whilst I am still a little uneasy, the opening now adds a new dimension to the article. I'm afraid I have to disagree with the statement that there is no proven 'cause and effect'with porn (internet or otherwise) - you wanna have a look at some of the statistical stuff coming out of places like Dartington (very close to where I actually work)and then tell me ( and some of the victims) that there is no cause and effect.
Like the piece more than I did originally, but...
TheOkpai smiley - tongueout (sheepishly!)

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 23

Kadu Flyer

Cool, can I suggest you collate some facts - I admit to not knowing that much about the links betweeen porn and abuse apart from I believe the case is not proven either way (like so much in science - Alcohol being good one week bad the next for eg). If you put something togeteher or even just a sentence saying that some research indicates....(insert link here)..etc.. I think it could be the finishing touch to the entry, covering all sides.

Although I still instinctively feel that those who cite porn as a "reason" would find anything to blame apart themselves, if it wasn't porn, it would be their parents lack of love, society as a whole, the little men inside their heads or whatever, but as I say this is my gut feeling and as always I am open to changing my mind if I see proof otherwise.

No apologies requires, as you say debate is good, and as there are 40 scouts out there I was sure someone would see my side anyway.


A470008 Internet Porn

Post 24

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi Everyone,

Kadu Flyer asked one of us italics to have a look at this one, and we did... we thought that the entry is not actually offensive in itself, though some might find the topic to be distasteful. We think that the entry could be evened out with Fragilis' input (all sensible comments in there) so, Kadu, would it be okay if you pasted in Fragilis' musings (leave us a note at the top of the entry saying that you'd like to credit her) and then it's over to the scouts to decide what happens next smiley - smiley

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 25

Kadu Flyer

er Anna, you either read it some time ago or not 2 carefully, all Fragilis' input is all in there, some at the begining some at the end, idealy I'd like Okapi's input as well. She is referenced at the end and as it is now in GuideML at the side as well.


A470008 Internet Porn

Post 26

Kadu Flyer

..but anyway, Anna, thanks for the time to read and reply, now all I need is a friendly scout, a good sub-ed.......



Post 27

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

This post has been removed.

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 28

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi Kadu Flyer,

Oops! Sorry, earlier I just read the most recent post and I missed the earlier one! It was one of those Monday morning things. This entry seems to be rounding out into a really balanced one - Lovely smiley - smiley

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 29

Kadu Flyer

Cool, I'll suss out the repeated paragraph and add links.

Monday Morning Anna? What time zone r u in ?


A470008 Internet Porn

Post 30

World Service Memoryshare team

I'm in the UK - so now it's Tuesday morning! smiley - smiley

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 31

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

I read the Entry, and in my opinion it ~should~ be in the Guide. Internet Porn is a part of our life, as is crime and war. I think the Entry does not encourage a reader to visit porn sites more frequently than he would have done anyway.

It is highly controversial, but not out of line. My support is hereby guaranteed.

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 32

Kadu Flyer

Thank you Jeremy - One point "than he would have done anyway." -

OK so 9x% of porn visitors are male, but I know several females who do as well.



A470008 Internet Porn

Post 33

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I agree. I know several women who view pornography online. In my opinion, this has something to do with the fact that women are more concerned about losing their social status if caught viewing pornography. They enjoy the sense of privacy even more than men perhaps. However, there are still far fewer of them. This probably has at least something to do with the fact that pornographers don't really understand what women want.

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 34

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I agree. I know several women who view pornography online. In my opinion, this has something to do with the fact that women are more concerned about losing their social status if caught viewing pornography. They enjoy the sense of privacy even more than men perhaps. However, there are still far fewer of them. This probably has at least something to do with the fact that pornographers don't really understand what women want.

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 35

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Hi K.F.
I'll see if I can access some info for you from the Research Centre re my previous post. It may take a moment or two (he said optimistically!)but if your piece gets put forward before hand, as is,maybe the powers that be can add the relevant bits, if you wish them to be included, at a later date.
In actual fact, my pick is due about now, but if no one else offers it up, as it were, I'll do me damndest to get the information to you and I'LL put it forward, inclusion or no.
TheOkapi smiley - winkeye

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 36

Kadu Flyer

Cool, if you or any other scout really wants to make my day then why not get 2 4 the price of 1 and nominate my superb "Internet Dating" entry here


Go on, go on, Go on, go on, Go on, go on, Go on, go on, Go on, go on,

I feel it is better than this one, or rather better than what I wrote in this one, I think now with the colabaration going on this one is shaping up.


A470008 Internet Porn

Post 37


With the collaboration, it's more than shaping up, it's in. Congratulations Kadu and Fragilis, the entry has been accepted. Keep up the good work the both of you!

Here's the official announcement:

"Thanks for your recommendation. You'll be glad to know that we think this entry is great, and it has now gone into the Editorial Process for future inclusion in the Edited Guide. When it does get into the Edited Guide, we will email to let you know, but please bear in mind it can take a while for entries to go through the sub-editing system. Thanks for writing for the guide!"

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 38

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they haven't been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.h2g2.com/SubEditors-Process


A470008 Internet Porn

Post 39

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

I'm going to throw this into the Writing Workshop and see what people think now.

A470008 Internet Porn

Post 40

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Oh, don't mind me, just thought I'd skip the second page of backlog...

-Spike A. smiley - smiley

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