A Conversation for Internet Pornography


Post 1


Has somebody made any experiences with adultcheck?

Nanny Programs Generally

Post 2

Positive Feedback

Not specifically, but the problem with "nanny" programs is actually more acute than stated here - rather than protecting the user, they can actually be a source of information on where to find porn.

The reason for this, as I understand it, is that many operate by having certain URLs "excluded" - they and pages under them can't be accessed with the nanny program turned on. However, with some poorly-designed programs you can turn off the nanny, and directly access the (unencrypted) list of "banned" sites. Hey Presto! You now have a huge springboard of links to all the filth of the world.

Nanny Programs Generally

Post 3

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

My significant other and I have an adult check account. It works as advertised. It verifies the age of the applicant, and then allows password access to affiliated adult sites. However, there is one major down side to adult check. Most of the larger adult sites simply don't use it. Adult check is basically only worth your time if you are interested more in amateur sites and are willing to troll through lots of lowew-quality stuff to find a few gems.

Most larger sites attempt to take care of the underage visitor problem themselves. This means they either ask visitors to verify their age (Click here if you're over 18!), or they assume that anyone with a valid credit card number is an adult.

I feel there are two things limiting the success of Adult Check and similar services. First, people are on the internet notoriously cheap and thus don't want to pay even a basic service charge if they can avoid it. And second, internet porn producers don't feel legally obligated to take any specific actions to verify age. Plus they know that the sites presenting the fewest hoops for visitors to go through will tend to get the most business.

Re the nanny programs: I understand your point, Positive Feedback. But honestly, it is easier to find decent porno sites without the nanny program's list than with it. Look in any search engine. Type in any naughty word or phrase and add .com at the end. Visit any of thousands of directories online that do nothing but point you to XXX sites that are particularly good, free, or both. It is easier to do any of those than it is to go down the nanny program's list until you find something worth viewing. Many sites on the nanny's list will be poor-quality and/or relatively boring.

Nanny Programs Generally

Post 4


Many thanks for your reply. Seems we have quite a lot in common! I've even thought of building an own web site protected by adultcheck.

Hope to keep in touch with you, Fragilis,

Nanny Programs Generally

Post 5

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

It seems we do, Wonko! We'll probably keep bumping into each other. smiley - smiley

I have some pictures including nudity on my own internet homepage. I use a password system. To get the password, you must verify you're an adult. You must also go through a silly test that tends to frustrate minors looking for a quick fix while making persistent open-minded adults laugh.

If Adult Check had been available when I first began the adults-only section of the site over six years ago, I would probably have used it. But now I'm reluctant to change a system which has worked well for so long.

Nanny Programs Generally

Post 6


Wow, I'm impressed. Sorry, have to leave now, C U Later!


Nanny Programs Generally

Post 7

Kadu Flyer

So where is this page? Not that i want to see the naked photos you understand, I just want to see the the questions, honest.


Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 8

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Yeah, right. Whatever. smiley - winkeye

You can start here:

[URL removed by moderator]

Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 9

Kadu Flyer

Cool, I'm on Q8 in a different window, listening to a 2 minute loop of Sweet Dreams.

Maybe I should put this in either/or my/our Internet Porn or Internet Dating Pages.


Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 10

Kadu Flyer

Finished and only cheated for 5 or so, honest. Nice pictures, but the pre-amble was realy great, had me laughing, may go back and select all the wrong answers to see your comments.


Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 11


I love your pictures!

The one titled dancing is best, in my humble opinion. Did you send it to Playboy already? smiley - smiley

I've done thousands of pictures (that is, slides) of my beloved ones, and I'm going to scan them sometime.

Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 12

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Thanks for the compliments. smiley - smiley I certainly haven't sent any pictures to Playboy. I'd be too worried about losing my personal integrity to a bunch of air-brush artists. smiley - winkeye I'd be more comfortable coding their web site, anyway. smiley - smiley

You could certainly include the Adult Check info in this entry, Kadu Flyer. Your average porn surfer should be aware of the service and how it works.

But creating your own adult content for the internet is a whole different facet of the subject. There are all sorts of issues to consider. For instance, you have to worry about potential reactions by family members, co-workers, and old friends. Women must also worry about cyberstalkers and other unsavory visitors to their site. And there are legal concerns, too, that go much farther than what a porn surfer has to contend with. I think that topic would need its own entry.

Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 13


I'm also not not very fond of any modifications to pictures. I humans are very beautiful and sexy as they are and there should be no artifically created cliché of how women should look like. That only leads to frustration, and by the way, I like women the way they are much more. smiley - smiley

A different question is how to take good photographs of people, whether naked or not. I take some precautions on using the right light, preferably sunlight, and always use flashs to avoid those dark and hard shades. I have many flashs which I can freely arrange, most of them pointing to the ceiling, creating smooth light and smooth pictures. Like to see some?

I understood it that way that Kadu Flyer asked if he could include a link to your website. (?) smiley - smiley

The legal concerns hopefully are taken care of by Adult Check, I suppose. Family members, some co-workers (the ones we care about), and old friends are not so much of a problem since they are used to seeing us naked.

Yes, we need an entry like that. Anyone out there?

Now We're Really Off-Topic

Post 14

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I'm not ready to jump in and right that kind of entry right now. I'd be happy to look over one and offer my opinion, of course. And *no*, I do not want a link to my web site in this entry. Nor do I think h2g2's Sub-Editor will feel comfortable linking directly to a porn site -- even and perhaps especially a member researcher's one!

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