Talking Point: The World's Most Adorable Animal

7 Conversations

Cute Panda bear.

Did you know that penguins bite, usually to the bone, if you try to stroke them? No? But you're aware that cute koalas can be extremely vicious if you disturb them? Well, the point is, when it comes to the animal kingdom looks can be very deceiving. As children, many of us are brought up cuddling teddy bears when a real bear could knock your head clean off your shoulders with a single swipe of its paw.

It seems that nasty little facts like these rarely prevent us from cooing when we spot our favourite furry characters on TV nature programmes. But have you ever stopped to wonder why we often have crushes on fluffy-yet-dangerous beasts? Why can't you have cute crocodiles or snuggly serpents?

If an animal is both furry and an endangered species it seems to become even more desirable – think pandas. So, in anticipation of this year's new BBC Two series Last Chance to See, staring Stephen Fry, and with an obvious hats off to the late great Douglas Adams and the book and radio series of the same name, what in your opinion is the most adorable animal in the world, and why?

  • Do you know the reason for your choice, or is it totally subjective?

  • Were you once scared of this animal but have grown to like it?

  • Has your love of it increased or decreased over the years?

  • Have you ever gone to great lengths to see it in the wild – or maybe it's your pet dog?

  • Does a certain area of the world have more adorable animals than others?

  • Do 'cute' animals have to fulfil certain criteria?

  • Do you prefer people?

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