Just for Fun
Created | Updated Jun 22, 2003

Hello there, Greebo's back with another 'Just For Fun', fresh from a week's holiday in sunny Norfolk. Had great fun, played a game of crazy golf and tried to set a Garfield free in one of those Grab things at the sea front!!!
What more excitement can I bring you except another page of thrills and quizzes.
Ok... On to the fun..
It's A Wrap
The weekly quiz, based on TV and Film. The names of the researchers who send in all the correct answers will be published in next weeks POST. All answers MUST be in by Friday 20th October 2000.
The Fifth Element
- Who designed the costumes for the film?
- What are the four elements?
- Who played the evil bad man?
- Name the actor who played Corbin Dallas?
- In what year was the main part of the film set?
The answers to last weeks question and a list of researchers with all correct answers, can be found below.
Joke of the Week
A Chihuahua, a Doberman and a Bulldog are in a doggie bar having a drink when a good-looking female Collie comes up to them and says, "Whoever can say liver and cheese in a sentence can date me."
So the Doberman says, "I love liver and cheese."
The Collie says, "That's not good enough."
The Bulldog says, "I hate liver and cheese."
She says, "Nope, that's not creative enough."
Finally, the Chihuahua says, "Liver alone! Cheese mine."
Name That Song
Each week I will print a quote from a song, all you have to do is guess the title of the song and who sang it. Answers will be published in next weeks Post. This one is 'Just For Fun' folks, so don't E-Mail me the answers.
This weeks quote:-
'For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you...'
Best on the Web
Each week I try to show you a page on the web that has got to win an award somewhere, even it is 'The Oddest Web Page on the Net Award'. So if you know a web page that I should check out for inclusion in this section, then e-mail me and let me know. Remember to keep it clean folks...
You must have all heard of the The Hampster Dance??? Well here's another variation on the same theme... except this one is for Pigs.
Letters to the Cat
Now some of the best letters sent in this week, keep them coming in folks.
Dear Greebo,
It took the Division of Motor Vehicles 6 months to figure out and revoke this personalized license plate:
3M TA3
Figure out what it would read in someone's rear view mirror.
Keep Smiling
A. Joker
Took me a while to figure that one out, but I laughed when I got it!!
Hi Ms. Cat,
A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid-twenties. These two women go everywhere together and I've never
seen a man go into their apartment or come out. Do you think they could be Lebanese?
Ann Shous
Hmmm, tough one Ann...
Nobody got all the answers right to last weeks It's A Wrap, bad luck all those that sent in.
- Branden Lee
- 1 year
- A crow
- Graeme Revell
- Shelley
Where The Streets Have No Name by U2
Send your quiz answers, jokes, letters and anything else to me here:-
Please Write 'JUST FOR FUN' in the Subject Line, or your letter may be overlooked.
Thanks again everyone...