A Conversation for Tarot

cool entry

Post 1

Red Dog ;););)

very concise. most articals written about tarot are complicated and less focused than this one, confusing a beginner like me.

thanks for the input. I have a tendency to believe that the tarot is a valuable tool in self examination, like the psychological tool you mentioned.
I think also that if e.s.p. exists, or if a memory is hidden, Tarot cards could be used as a focus, to help the user connect with whatever it is they have going.
like any other tool of divination, the subconsious mind could manipulate cards or images to help us understand many things, from hidden memories to actual psychic input. a person might think the power is in the cards, when it's really in themselves.

I dunno.

cool entry

Post 2

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

It's a darn good entry, and I think it deserves to be in the edited guide. There's a university project on card games that it would be well suited for as well.

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