A Conversation for The Okapi

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 1

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase


Does anyone here know what an Okapi is? It's a relative of the well-known giraffe; if you want to know more, then check out this article!

What do you think? Any and all suggestions are ultra-welcome!


A453700 - The Okapi

Post 2

Is mise Duncan

Brilliant - and at last something African to go in the guide.
My only comment is that the formatting would be better handled in GuideML than straight HTML - as it stands, it looks like it has two titles.

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 3

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

What!?!?! You think I could resist this?!
HAH! Wrong.
A flattering article - it's nice to see us acknowledged as something to be cherised! Height-wise, I have no argument but, personally speaking, 450lbs is a little on the optomistic side! I rarely use my tongue to clean my eyes...but the length of the Okapian proboscis has been known to cause a few raised eyebrows! That, and the ability to breath through his ears!
Seriously though (?), there were a few bits 'n' bobs in there that even an even-toed ungulate such as I was unaware of, although great-uncle Simon does have very interesting scrapbook, with Stanley's autograph in it ('Mark my words lad, it'll worth something one day!')
Any one got this on their list for recommendation? It just seems right somehow, that I should push it forward...and this article also makes me aware of something else, too: I now know why the phrase
'Beware of the Leopard' always made me shiver...!
TheOkapi smiley - bigeyes

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I agree about using Guide ML instead of HTML. But beware, Guide ML is much less forgiving of misplaced tags.

- Every tag must have a corresponding closing tag. The only exceptions are tags which do not enclose any content, such as . This can be closed within the tag:

- The case of the closing tag must match the case of the opening tag.

- The tags must be nested: Hello! is ok, but Hello! isn't.

Headings in Guide ML are
Subheadings are

Enough about Guide ML.

There should be a description of the OKAPI at the start of the article: "This is a goofy-looking deer with big brown shoulders, the head of a tapir and stripy back legs" or something like that.

Okapis have the most beautiful fur/hair of any animal I have seen.

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 5

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Allright, I took out one of the headings, and put the description before the story of the Okapi's discovery. The GuideML will have to wait, though - I won't have time to learn it until this weekend!

Thanks for all the suggestions!

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 6


Another execelent article Mr Case - if you are going to convert it to GuideML put a referanced link in to your excellent Giraff article.
If you want any help with the GuideML you know how to get hold of me.


Happy smiley - bigeyes

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 7

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Allrighty, guys, this entry is now in GuideML! I think it looks better, I've tidied it up. Check it out!

Come on, everybody, take a look and comment! Everything you say helps!



A453700 - The Okapi

Post 8


Looks good just two things one link to you giraffe page and two I would loose the 'Intoduction' subheader just leave the text under the title.

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 9

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Advice taken, thank you very much!

Stay Happy!

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 10


I like it - one last thing, you might want to ask the sub-ed who has got hold of your Giraffe page to put a link in to your Okapi page.

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 11

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Testing, testing ... is this thing on? Where's everybody?!

Come on people, say something!

Yours Eagerly,


A453700 - The Okapi

Post 12

LL Waz

Excellent entry Case. Can't think of any suggestions for improvement.
It's the mammal version of the Coelacanth story!

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 13


I think the Test worked ?

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 14

Salamander the Mugwump

Very good. Ever so interesting. Well written. Couldn't fault it. I only noticed one editing requirement. I think it was item 4, reproduction, 3rd sentence. There's a 'the' where there should be a 'they'.

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 15

Is mise Duncan

Okapi factoid...
"The Okapi and the giraffe are the only mamals to walk by moving both legs at the same side forward at once"

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 16

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Duncan: what about camels?

I can put in that bit about the walking with both legs going forward on the same side; also, Okapis spread their front legs when they go down to drink even though their legs and necks are much shorter than those of giraffes.

Thanks, Sal, I'll correct that mistake.

Yep, I guess the test worked! Thanks guys!

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 17

Is mise Duncan

No - Camels go one leg at a time when walking. When running they do the two front then two back (I think) which is why it is so easy to fall off an accelerating camel smiley - winkeye

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 18


remind me not to try that smiley - winkeye

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 19

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

My Dear Mr. Case! ( of the Maruading Pillow variety!)
Guess what? Your sublime Entry on my relations has been snapped up by the Editorial boffins and will, at some point in the not too distant future, be appearing in the Guide! They will email you and let you know, but it can take a while for the sub-editing system to churn through all its processes! Good one...and my Uncle thanks you too!
This thread is now, I suppose, closed!
TheOkapi smiley - winkeye

A453700 - The Okapi

Post 20

Mark Moxon

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they haven't been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next.


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