A Conversation for h2g2Life

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 1

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Don't worry Rob, there are only 1452 days to Athens 2004.

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 2


Oh. That's okay then smiley - winkeye. Thought we'd go through withdrawal symptoms.

It's okay though... the paralympics will be on soon. Looking forward to it probably more than the regular type olympics.

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

And four hundred and some change till the Salt Lake Winter games.

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 4

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Marv, are you going to be a volunteer? If not, maybe you could erect a large tent and sell ilicit beer to unwary tourists. The down side to this is you will end up filthy rich and look down on drunken bums like me.

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 5

Chris Tonks

*comes pottering into the thread after the last comic strip...*

*looks at this one...*

LOL! This one perfectly encompasses how I feel about life...smiley - winkeye
I just stay on the 'puter...smiley - winkeye
'nuther excellent piece WB, well done...smiley - smiley

I do like your style...you even have your shadows on the wall, sort of hazed out...excellent effect...smiley - smiley

Keep it up! smiley - smiley

- Pr. C. Tonks, GO & A to SB, M of S&T

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 6

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I just wanted to mention that I had an "h2g2 Life" moment today. Here it is!


I was feeling a bit silly, so when my significant other asked me what I was doing, I said,

"I'm reading the gooblybunk on h2g2."

"Oh?" he said. "What's that?"

"You know," I replied. "Stuff. Silly stuff."

There was a confused pause. Then I broke in.

"Couldn't you tell what I meant by the context?"

My luvee knows I use made-up words occasionally, when I'm feeling slightly odder than usual.

"No," he said. "I thought you were talking about a person. I was trying to figure out who he was."

Another long pause occurred.

"Gooblybunk," I said. "That *is* a good name."

We grinned at each other.


This conversation could only happen in regard to h2g2, eh?

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 7


I think you might be right there LOL smiley - smiley

And Marv... I think Loonytunes has the right idea there. It would be a tough job but someone has to do it... and I can't see why it shouldn't be you smiley - smiley

Not A Greek Tragedy

Post 8

marvthegrate LtG KEA

You guys have *no* clue how the local faith looks down on alcohol. I know that the both of you have read my little diatribe on drinking in Utah. I Swear that I am not exagerating. I plan on either working out of state for the 2002 games, or barring that going on holliday then. The traffic here sucks as it is, and I do not want to see it when hundreds of thousands of people come to our town. If the bribery scandal was not bad enough, the riots when all you alcoholics furriners get here and cannot get a drink in a reasonable manner will mar the games beyond belief. The Mayor of Salt Lake, Rocky Anderson, is battling the organizing committee over allowing *beer* at the medals plaza. He thinks we should have a beer garden, the SLOC does not want to allow that. If I lived in SLC proper I would vote for the guy. I think I will vote for him for President as I dislike the other two assholes we have on the stands right now. So if you plan on coming to see crazy people propel themselves down icy mountains on greased boards, do not expect to drink well.


Post 9


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