A Conversation for Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW)

Peer Review: A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 1


Entry: Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history) - A4492424
Author: cheneyism - U1688434

this is my first guide entry, also it is a further history to an entry that is about 5 years outdated, ECW which i have referenced

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 2


Okay... I'm really confused. You just jump into this history assuming that we know the meaning of acronyms like WWE and TNN - what do those stand for? We go through the entry and I still have no idea what they mean.

Also, since I'm American I'm familiar with the idea that TV wrestling is more of a show than anything else, but readers from around the world (h2g2 is very much an international site) may not be aware of this. You need an opening paragraph with the premise of American TV wrestling explained (as I assume that's what you're essentially talking about).

In general, you need to assume that your reader knows absolutely nothing about the subject and write from that standpoint.smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 3


not that i dont agree and maybe i should add an intro paragraph, but this entry is supposed to be an EXTENDED history (as i say in the title) or part 2 to the 1st entry which i have referenced in the beginning of the entry. also wreslting is defintley international and understood to be a show pretty much eveywhere. In light of this information, if you still think i should change tell me. Its defintely open for change, but i think you failed to consider as much as i did, so please tell me what u think now

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 4


I think you'd be better off incorporating the first entry into yours, and calling it an update of the first entry. I found your entry quite unreadable, as I know nothing about wrestling and couldn't make head nor tail of all the acronyms. Sorry.

smiley - panda

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 5


If you form your entry's text around that of the first entry, you can submit it to the UpdateForum and update the first entry to include your text.

smiley - dragon

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 6


hmm maybe I should have found out more about this here update forum first. Sorry if I sounded a little irate in my post last night (I had one too many smiley - ales and shouldnt have been posting anything). U guys are defintely right baout the acronyms I figured everybody would know WWE but I guess not (although i did link them just incase). thanx for the pointers
smiley - peacesign

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 7


incase anyone reads this now the new intro was just added (i hope this makes the entry make more sense)
smiley - peacesign

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 8


If you're turning it into an update, you need to put all the info from the first entry into this one. Feel free to word it your own way, or change things, but for it to be an update it needs to contain all the info the old one did plus more.

smiley - panda

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 9


I've decided my latest rendition is the way i wish to carry forth with this entry. Please disregard it as an update or anything else. It is now a history of ECW in last 5 years. If anyone wants more information i have directed them to the proper places, and i have exlpained (or linked) any acronyms that might not be understandable. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion (both mine and anyone else's) in the matter and will make the entry a sufficient stand alone article (i honestly do not feel mine would work very well w/ the old one, but i do not wish to replace it feeling it does quite a sufficient job of explaining the roots of ECW)
thank you all again and i still welcome any more comments (obviously or i wouldnt keep it in peer review)
smiley - peacesign

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 10

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I guess I don't really see the point in making it a completely separate entry -- could you help me understand why you think that's the best idea here?

smiley - cheers

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 11


pretty much the only reason i did was for ease

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 12

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, I can understand that, but I don't think that will be a good enough reason to get it into the Edited Guide. It just doesn't work as a stand-alone entry, whereas it would work as an update of the existing one.

If you really don't want to tackle the process of updating the current EG entry on this, one thing you could do is post a note at the bottom of the original EG entry with a link to your entry, and explain that this is material for a future update. Then, if and when someone decides to do an update, they will consider including your material, and potentially give you a researcher credit on the updated entry as well.

smiley - cheers

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 13


Are you still here to work on this?

smiley - panda

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 14


I am still here to work on this, tho not very regulary. I have very recently (as in in the past 5 mins) decided I'm prolly going to turn this into a full fledged update. But i prolly wont get to it for a week or so. Tho I'm curious why u asked if i was still here?

smiley - peacesign or smiley - skull

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 15


ok so it only took me a couple of hours, but now this is it my update. Can anyone tell me how to get into the update forum, havent quite figured that out yet. Maybe i should just leave it here. I dunno but new feed back but would be great. Thanx

A4492424 - Extreme Championship Wrestling (an extended history)

Post 16

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I see you found the Update Forum. smiley - cheers

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