A Conversation for Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin

Post 1


It's been a few months, but I thought I'd try one last time to see if this thing gets accepted.



Led Zeppelin

Post 2

Mr. Cogito

Well, it certainly is in depth and looks like it could find a home within the edited guide. However, I'm afraid it won't be accepted until you follow the guidelines for posting items in Peer Review to the letter: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A482177 I know they're anal, but I think they're necessary to keep things under control.

Otherwise, my only other real recommendation would be to perhaps learn GuideML and use that to format the entry nicer. You can embed quotes within blockquote statements and also highlight section titles easier. I find it makes it much easier for other people to read/comment on your entry. Plus, it's cool to learn GuideML.



Post 3

Jimi X

As you know, at some point this forum will be zapped for being in the wrong format. Sorry.

Rules be rules. smiley - winkeye


Post 4

SchrEck Inc.

This thread should be deleted here and moved to the article, as there's another conversation in PR about it. Double post!


Post 5


How am I to go about deleting this conversation?


Post 6

SchrEck Inc.

That could only be done by the in-house editors, which has already happened.

Thread Moved

Post 7

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Led Zeppelin'.

Back to Entry - this became Edited Entry A593101 Led Zeppelin - the Band

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