The Discworld English-German Glossary
Created | Updated Aug 2, 2005
Here it is, Terry Pratchett fans! The glossary you've all been waiting for!
For far too long, bilingual (German/English) Discworld fans have found themselves mentally flailing about, like...something that flails about quite a lot...when trying to translate their hero's best expressions into the other language - searching for that mot juste, that exact expression...
No longer.
Digilent and patient Researchers have minutely compared dual versions of the Works of the great Pterry, sparing no expense, keeping long hours, never deviating from their assigned tasks...well, okay, committing quite a lot of topic drift in the threads, if you must know (the lingerie discussion comes to mind, painfully!).
Still, getting a bunch of Discworld fans to pay attention to anything without the requisite six jokes per page in it is a task for Vetinari himself. (Come to think of it, I've never thought of threatening them with the Scorpion Pit...)
We're still a work in progress, and while many are already labouring in the field, we could always use a few more, volunteers, as the Belgravian Army used to say.
And although we're sure even the Librarian, or Bibliothekar (Ook! Ugh!) would be proud of our efforts so far, we are grateful for any corrections, updates and/or footnotes you'd care to offer.

The Discworld English-German Glossary
Book Titles
English | Deutsch |
The Colour of Magic | Die Farben der Magie |
Witches Abroad | Total Verhext |
Hogfather | Schweinsgalopp |
Reaper Man | Alles Sense |
Equal Rites | Das Erbe des Zauberers |
Moving Pictures | Voll im Bilde |
The Light Fantastic | Das Licht der Phantasie |
Sourcery | Der Zauberhut |
Eric | Eric |
The Fifth Elephant | Der fünfte Elefant |
The Thief of Time | Der Zeitdieb |
The Truth | Die volle Wahrheit |
The Science of Discworld II: The Globe | Die Philosophen der Rundwelt |
Mort | Gevatter Tod |
Wyrd Sisters | MacBest |
Pyramids | Pyramiden |
Guards, Guards | Wachen, Wachen |
Small Gods | Einfach göttlich |
Lords and Ladies | Lords und Ladies |
Men at Arms | Helle Barden |
Soul Music | Rollende Steine |
Interesting Times | Echt Zauberhaft |
Maskerade | Mummenschanz |
Feet of Clay | Hohle Köpfe |
Jingo | Fliegende Fetzen |
The Last Continent | Heisse Hüpfer |
Carpe Jugulum | Ruhig Blut |
The Last Hero | Wahre Helden |
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents | Maurice der Kater |
Night Watch | Die Nachtwächter |
The Wee Free Men | Kleine Freie Männer |
Monstrous Regiment | Weiberregiment |
A Hat Full of Sky | --- |
Going Postal | --- |

Now that we have the books down, let's try some of the exotic placenames:
Discworld Places:
English | Deutsch |
Genua | Gennua |
Quirm | Quirm |
Copperhead | Kupferkopf |
Bad Ass | Blödes Kaff |
Slice | Schnitte |
Lancre | Lancre |
Ankh-Morpork | Ankh-Morpork |
And then there are the people...
Ethnic groups in Ankh-Morpork:
English | Deutsch |
Troll | der Troll |
Dwarf | der Zwerg |
Vampire | der Vampir, Vampyr |
Werewolf | der Werwolf |
Golem | der Golem |
Other Ankh-Morporkians:
English | Deutsch |
The Watch | die Wache |
CMOT Dibbler | TMSIDR Dibbler ('treibe mich selbst in den Ruin') |
Unseen University | Unsichtbare Universität |
Drumknott | Dummknott |
The Luggage | die Truhe |
Foul Ole Ron | der Stinkende Alte Ron |
Arnold Sideways | Arnold Seitwärts |
The Duckman | der Entenmann |
Gaspode | Gaspode der Wunderhund |
Coffin Henry | Henry Husten |
Altogether Andrews | Insgesamt Ingobert |
Bergholt Stutteley Johnson | Bergholt Stattlich Johnson |
Inigo Skimmer | Inigo Schaumlöffel |
Wallace Sonky | Willi Keinesorge |
Lancre folk
English | Deutsch |
Nanny Ogg | Nanny Ogg |
Granny Weatherwax | Oma Wetterwachs |
Hodgesaargh the Falconer | Festgreifaah |
Thomas Peerless | Thomas Unvergleichlich |
Unseen University:
English | Deutsch |
Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully | Erzkanzler Mustrum Ridcully |
The Librarian (Ook!) | der Bibliothekar (Ugh!) |
Lecturer in Recent Runes | der Dozent für neue Runen |
The Bursar | der Quästor |
Ponder Stibbons, Reader in Invisible Writings | Leser unsichtbarer Schriften |
The Dean | der Dekan |
The Watch:
English | Deutsch |
Commander Vimes | Kommandeur Mumm |
Lady Sybil Ramkin | Lady Sibyl Käsedick |
Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson | Hauptmann Karotte Eisengiessersohn |
Sergeant Angua | Feldwebel Angua |
Constable Reg Shoe | Obergefreiter Reg Schuh |
Sergeant Fred Colon | Feldwebel Fred Colon |
Sergeant Detritus | Feldwebel Detritus |
Sergeant Stronginthe arm | Feldwebel Starkimarm |
Corporal Nobby Nobbs | Korporal Nobbs |
Corporal Cheery Littlebottom | Korporal Grinsi Kleinpo |
Constable Ping | Obergefreiter Ping |
Constable Visit-the Ungodly-with-Explanatory-Pamphlets | Obergefreiter Besuch-die- Ungläubigen-mit-Erlaeuternden-Broschüren |
Constable Downspout | Obergefreiter Abluss |
Lance-Constable Bluejohn | Obergefreiter Flußspat |
Buggy Swires | Knuddel Winzig |
Peace, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love...and a Hard-Boiled Egg!
And, for the multitudinous fans of that great 'Wizzard' and all-round Disc-trotting phenomenon, Rincewind:
Rincewind's job titles
English | Deutsch |
Professor of Cruel and Unusual Geography | Professor für grausame und ungewöhnliche Geographie |
Chair of Experimental Serendipity | Professor für experimentelle glückliche Entdeckungen |
Reader in Slood Dynamics | Dozent für Graupeldynamik |
Fretwork Teacher | Lehrer für Laubsägearbeiten |
Chair for the Public Misunderstanding of Magic | Professor für Missverständnis von Magie |
Professor of Virtual Anthropology | Professor für virtuelle Anthropologie |
Lecturer in Approximate Accuracy | Dozent für ungefähre Genauigkeit |
Discworld Vocabulary
English | Deutsch |
Tooth Fairy | die Zahnfee |
inhume | inhumieren |
Auditors | die Revisoren |
thaumometer | das Thaumometer |
thaum | das Thaum |
thaumic | taumisch |
Hex | Hex |
octarine | oktarin |
sourcerer | der kreative Magus |
grand vizier | der Großwesier |
geas | die Bökke |
wowwow sauce | die Potzblitz-Soße |