A Conversation for Anagrammitis Extra

IQ Game

Post 181

aka Bel - A87832164

? So Icy, how many miles did you walk each day ?

IQ Game

Post 182

Icy North

That would be telling! smiley - bigeyes

You have to work it out. I reckon Arty's week starts on Sunday.

IQ Game

Post 183

aka Bel - A87832164

in that case, you walked 9 miles on the first day, and 17 miles on the last day -I think smiley - erm

IQ Game

Post 184

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

I reckon he walked 12 miles the first day increasing to 20 the last day.

IQ Game

Post 185

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

On second thoughts B'Elana is right.smiley - erm

IQ Game

Post 186

aka Bel - A87832164

Sunday: 9
Monday: 10
Tuesday: 11
Wed. 12
Thursday 13
Friday: 14
Sat. 15
Sunday 16
Monday 17

total: 117

IQ Game

Post 187

aka Bel - A87832164

I'd better post a new one then, I think

Tom and a car are going from a fixed line to a certain point in the same direction, their speed doesn't change. The car reaches the destination after Tom has made 13 steps. After a further 91 steps, Tom has reached the destination. His speed was 6km/h. How fast was the car ?

IQ Game

Post 188

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

Is it 24km/hour?

IQ Game

Post 189

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

sorry I'm tired I meant 48.

IQ Game

Post 190

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - applause That's correct puzzlella, over to you smiley - ok

IQ Game

Post 191

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

A rotating display unit in a shop has a square base with the axis at the midpoint. Describe the space around it which is needed to avoid colliding with anything.

IQ Game

Post 192

Icy North

Well the space that the square occupies in rotation is the circle having a diameter equal to the square's diagonal.

If the square has a side of unit length, then the diagonal is the square root of two, and the circle has an area of pi times the square root of two.

IQ Game

Post 193

aka Bel - A87832164

I was still searching for the words to say exactly this smiley - winkeye

IQ Game

Post 194

Icy North

In that case I'll leave you to describe the transformational symmetries involved. smiley - tongueout

Nothing complicated - just use standard bases within the R² domain.

IQ Game

Post 195

aka Bel - A87832164

Show off smiley - tongueout

IQ Game

Post 196

Icy North

Well, you started it. smiley - tongueout

IQ Game

Post 197

aka Bel - A87832164

Moi ? smiley - angel

Your turn, I think smiley - smiley

IQ Game

Post 198

Icy North

Which US State name can be typed with only the left hand on a QUERTY keyboard, and which can be typed with only the right hand?

IQ Game

Post 199

aka Bel - A87832164

Nevada, Ohio ?

IQ Game

Post 200

Icy North

If you've got the same keyboard as I have, then N for Nevada is on the right-hand side. Ohio is correct.

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