A Conversation for Random Ramblings

Amazing, marvellous, fantastic

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I swear this is the best Post issue yetsmiley - biggrin

I deliberately haven't got involved with the 'old days' convos because - we move on, just as you have mentioned Bel. Yes, Shazz is a legend, and it was my great privilege to meet her (and the entire Dutch crew) at several meets, when there were also italics. The meets are different now. We move forward, we evolve. I don't hanker after those days (although I miss the people, in particular the wonderful Kheldar) because I am always looking forward to the *next* meet, and hugging and kissing the truly amazing people I interact with NOW.

smiley - applauseWell done all of you on an astonishing edition, smiley - puff I am still readingsmiley - run

smiley - nur

smiley - teasmiley - cheesecake
smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

smiley - galaxy

Amazing, marvellous, fantastic

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Thank you. smiley - hug

I agree, it's a fantastic issue, and it was only possible with a team like we're having now. A team of two couldn't have done it, no matter how hard they'd have tried.

It's wonderful to see so many people reacting to last editorial's appeal for submissions. smiley - magic

And believe me, I'm looking forward to the meets, too. smiley - smooch

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