Buying food in Sweden

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One of mans most elementary instincts is to feed. Most people eat three to four times a day. Yes, eating might indeed be hasardous and even lethal. Still we do it, people might stop flying because of the risc of the plane going down but eating? No.

This is a short guide in how to get food in Sweden.
There are three prime types of food you might want to eat, depending on where you live while staying in Sweden.
1) Fastfood
2) Restaurants
3) Homemade food

The fastfood fauna in Sweden is rather typical for any western country. There are hamburgers, Kebab, Pizza and hotdogs. Hamburgers are mainly being selled by different franchise corporations, many of which you will find in most countries. In some of theese Burger joints there is a drive through. Which works as it does everywhere, you drive up to a small hole in the wall and order your food through a microphone. You pay and get your food. Simple. I should warn you though, in Sweden there is Right Traffic, and if you are not used to that, don´t drive. OK?
You can also order your burgers from within the building itself, just stand in line until it's your turn and then order. Paying for the Burgers is best done with Swedish currency (Swedish Crowns).
Buying Pizza in Sweden is best done in a Pizza place. They usually sell Pizzas there but also Kebab. There is quite a wide selection of Pizzas in these Pizza places and I'm you will find a few Pizzas you recognice. How to order your Pizza? Well, stand in line, order it, sit down and wait. Then the Pizza baker will yell out the name of your Pizza when it's done. Easy.
Since kebab is bought in the same places the same procedure will be needen when buying kebeb. There are a few different types of kebab to buy, theese are:
Kebabplate: Kebab, kebab sauce, fries and salad.
Kebab with rice plate: Kebab, kebeb sauce, rice and salad.
Kebabpizza: A pizza with kebab, salad, tomatoe and kebab sauce.
Kebabroll: A pizzadough wrapped around kebeb, salad and kebabsauce.
Kebab with bread: Kebab, salad and kebab sauce in a bread similar to a pita bread.
Hotdogs can be purchased in some streetcorners from middleaged men in white clothing. There are also what e in Sweden call "Korv mojjar", which is street grills where you can buy hotdogs.

A Restaurant in sweden is like a restaurant in most countries. A place where you can eat AND show everyone else there how rich you are by using your best clothes. A stupid idea I'd say. But I must say that Swedish restaurants are rather good and that they serve high quality food. Ordering in a restaurant is easy, a waiter will approach you and you can place your order from the menu. Easy.
Some usable restaurant phrases:
Notan tack = Check please
Det är jämt så = It's even (When you wish to tip your waiter)
Det är en fluga i soppan = There is a fly in my soup.

For the one who wishes to experience Swedish food fully you'd need to cook some. I suggest "Falukorv and spaghetti" the most Swedish food there is. First you'll have to buy groceries. You'll need to buy Spaghetti, Falukorv, mustard and Ketchup in any nearby Grocery store. Falukorv is a kind of sausage so you'll find it in the meat section.
How to cook it? Boil the Spaghetti, Fry the Falukorv in a Frying pan and get ready to eat. You don't have to add ketchup and mustard, it's up to you.
Enjoy your meal!

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