A Conversation for The Meanings of Usernames

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 21

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well you got thesmiley - chocloving right, you better ask my friends about the restsmiley - winkeyeor check here:http://www.h2g2.com/A482997 to see for yourselfsmiley - bigeyes

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 22

Martin Harper

hi n7 - just thought I'd mention that afaik, magnolia started her analysing on her webpage - I have the URL here somewhere or other. I only took examples from here on h2g2, since I felt this made it more relevant to the target audience - but I could have pulled some stuff of there instead. Would this be better?

Hmm - I should probably include a link to her URL, right?

ok - spelling correction of definately - and I'll footnote "descenders" to also be known as anchors...

I'd almost forgotten about this entry... smiley - smiley

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 23

Martin Harper

Bright Blue - I'll analyse your usernamee if you wander over to the entry and ask there - I won't do it here, cos it would be blatantly off-topic - and we'd be snapped into miscellaneous conversations faster than you can say "low scrabble value"... smiley - winkeye

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 24

Martin Harper

for the lazy... smiley - smiley

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 25

Bright Blue Shorts

I'm going to go off-thread anyway .... I noticed that the editor of H2G2 has a username of "Mark Moxon" and got wondering .... first up I noticed the use of alliteration, then I noticed the high scoring scrabble values, K, X, 2 Ms all very nice. Then I noticed a hidden stockcube in the 2nd part and realised that the 2nd word is almost a palindrome .... except it isn't. Why could that be? I wondered, obviously it isn't for a reason. I rolled the words around in my head for a while longer and then realised that maybe the 2nd word is cunningly disguising two words - mocks on. There it was, clear as day once I knew where to look - "Mark mocks on" - this user had been laughing at us all the time and would be continuing to do so for some time smiley - winkeye

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 26

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 27

Martin Harper

Nexus 7 picked this entry, but Anna decided that:

> "This is a great entry, but like you, I'm not sure it belongs in the edited guide. Basically it's a great community entry. I've passed it on to Abi who, no doubt, will draw attention to it."

Which I guess is fair. Peta followed up saying:

> "It's an excellent community entry MyRedDice. We're happy to have it in the community pot. I've got a few ideas on some interesting places to put it too. Hmn, I *like* ones like these. *Wraps it up and takes it away*"

Hence, it has been placed in the sin-bin. Thanks for *all* your help, support, comments, criticism - and look out for this entry in the world of h2g2... eventually smiley - winkeye

A442333 - The meanings of usernames

Post 28

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~fingers crossed~ Lucindasmiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 29

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'The Meanings of Usernames'.

Back to Entry - this is a Community Page rather than a subject for the Edited Guide.

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