A Conversation for Talking Point: Medical Facts, Tales and Trivia

I can wiggle my ears...

Post 1

The Soko

but then again i think everybody can. You just need to find the right muscle smiley - smiley

You can wiggle your ears..

Post 2

Kreggit the Prooh

I believe you have a truly unique talent - not wiggling your ears but boasting about it on the net.

You can wiggle your ears..

Post 3

The Cow

Apparently, everyone used to have the muscles, but they wasted away due to lack of use. I'm really tempted to try to train my kid to be able to do it... smiley - smiley

You can wiggle your ears..

Post 4


There are two types of movement though. The up and down slight twitch, and the true waggle.

And no, I can't do it, even though I've tried for years... smiley - smiley

You can wiggle your ears..

Post 5


I have a mate who can do this. Most annoying as I can't!

You can wiggle your ears..

Post 6

The Soko

"I believe you have a truly unique talent - not wiggling your ears but boasting about it on the net."

I must be mistaken... this conversation must not be about wierd body movements... smiley - tongueout

You can wiggle your ears..

Post 7

Kreggit the Prooh

I'm just jealous coz I can't wiggle anything since the rigor mortis set in.

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