A Conversation for The h2g2 Olympic Games

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 1

The Phantom Sheep

Ok, I'll start - and NO HIDING IN THE WOODS!
smiley - winkeye
smiley - bigeyes
Coming read or not!

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 2

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

*Poses as an olympic official, complete with silly hat*

Ha Ha the sheep won't catch me.

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 3

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*BED, competeing for the Church of Weekendism, has fallen completely unconcious behind one of the discarded deck chairs from another event. His skills in not moving, even under the most extreme conditions, will be an asset in the Hide and Seek.*

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 4

The Phantom Sheep

Scratches head, and looks a round. Takes out thermal imaging camera and climbs a tree... Finds rabid squirrel playing with his nuts.

The search goes on... smiley - bigeyes

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 5

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Blimey the things you do for sport - a rabid squirrel playing with your nuts!!!

Here, sheep are female- are you a ram in diguise smiley - bigeyes

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 6

The Phantom Sheep

This is no time to discuss a sheeps sexuality, especially as I can see you behind that lamppost!

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 7

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

BED: Zzzzzz....

Commentator: He's asleep! And snoring! Oh, that's going to hurt him in the long run....

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 8


Ha ha ha- Technoyokel has a great way of hiding - pretend to be someone else!

Cunning eh?

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 9

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

No, no, you're doing this wrong- the seeker's not meant to hide as well!

Where are you?
*echo - where are you oo oo *

h2g2 Hide and Seek

Post 10

The Phantom Sheep

Well I had enough, now. Two weeks is a long time to play hide and seek. I'm off in for my tea.

(TPS hopes this elaborate ploy will lure out all the other contestants)


Post 11

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

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