A Conversation for The h2g2 Olympic Games

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 1

The Phantom Sheep

This could be a great sport, requiring agility and team work, all the things needed for the games!

Hurdles is for sissys, it doesn't even matter if you knock them down! smiley - winkeye

I'll lead this Great Nation to Victory! (if my knee doesn't give me gip) smiley - sadface

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 2

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Here hang on a minute - don't sheep have 4 legs? All the ones I know do anyway. What are you going to do- saw one off?smiley - smiley

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 3

The Phantom Sheep

Well it's obvious! Sheep would have a six legged race! And we could wear lycra sports gear for extra speed. smiley - winkeye

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 4

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

A six- legged sheep in lycra!****!!!!!!!!

Well that's something you don't see every day! (and I work in sheep fields most days too) I can't wait to watch this one!!

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 5

The Phantom Sheep

Can you imagine people tring to drop of to sleep counting sheep, the sheep in mid six legged mid race and jumping over a fence, and failing due to being tied together at the hoof, whilst in lycra? It's enough to keep you awake all night.

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 6

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

I've been awake ever since you said that smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 7

The Phantom Sheep

Have you tried Horlick?

New Sport - Oylmpic 3 legged race

Post 8

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

*delerious with lack of sleep, burbles in reply-*
I knew him Horatio

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