A Conversation for The h2g2 Olympic Games

Falling Over

Post 1

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

I'm sure the Lord High Wombat of Glee will enter this- he's always said he could fall over for his country.

Marks will be given for amount and style of falling over, and landing, over a 100 metre course.

Falling Over

Post 2

Lord High Wombat of Glee

Ahh thud ow.

Falling Over

Post 3

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Commentator- Yes the wombat's made a good start, a fine example of falling over there, all four paws in the air. Will he get up and do it again or is he all fallen out?

Falling Over

Post 4

Lord High Wombat of Glee

braces paws against ground, achieves verticality. wobbles, recovers, wobbles again, whoops!

Falling Over

Post 5

The Phantom Sheep

(intake of air)

Leaps in the air, graceful as a rock and lands on all four feet, using his mystical Phantom Sheep super powers. Then TPS keels over, confident of his abilities to progress in the falling over event smiley - smiley

Falling Over

Post 6

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

It must be quite hard to fall over when you've got 4 legs and are so close to the ground! Congratulations!!

Falling Over

Post 7

Nineto Okami

Pickles walks into the arena with a confident stride (attempting not to appear green with envy of the other contestants); a sour looks crosses her face as she drives deeper in concentration...;there is a moment of silence, then she looks skyward, relishing the event, and begins her descent to the ground, successfully striking it with a resounding, and slightly briny thud. She wobbles back and forth and finally rests where she landed.

Falling Over

Post 8

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)


And the three contestants are neck and neck- or is it arse over tip? They are all doing brilliantly in this event.

How will they do now they are coming up to the muddy stretch? There's potential here for some pretty dramatic falling over.

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