A Conversation for Universal Internet Time

don't hold your breath

Post 1

Xedni Deknil

Sounds like a great idea in theory, but will it work in practice? My guess would be that the present hours/minutes/seconds meme is way too strong to be overcome by what sounds as much a marketing gimmick as anything else. Brings to mind 2 things: Orson Welles' 'cuckoo clock' speech in The Third Man for a start; second, why is it on Star Trek that when the Enterprise/Voyager whatever makes contact with someone on a planet, they never get the reply 'Oi! It's three o'clock in the bloody morning, you tossers!' I seem to have wandered off the point somewhat. What do you expect? By Internet time it's half past the big wobbly thing.

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don't hold your breath

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