A Conversation for Universal Internet Time

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 1

Zak T Duck

This was a very hard topic to write about, so any comments are greatfully recieved to improve on it.



A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 2

Zak T Duck

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 3


This is a very interesting and well thought out article. It is concise and to the point, and wouldn't need (IMHO) any fiddling by the subs. Maybe you could include some examples of where UIT is actually used (if there are any!), but I think this stands without that.

Have you thought about writing a whole family of articles on timing systems (eg the 52/7/24/60/60 time we use - with the subsets such as Hebrew, Western, Chinese, etc and the old French Decimal Time - thankfully abandoned quite quickly). You could turn them into a University Of Life project.

Hope this is of some use to you! smiley - smiley

- Adam

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 4

Zak T Duck

Off hand the only things that currently use UIT are Swatch watches, and a lot of freeware internet time converters.

Thanks for the idea about this article becoming one in a series of time related articles. At the moment I don't know much about the other time systems in use or have been in use, so I think a little bit of background reading may be in order.

Thanks once again

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 5


Yet another neat idea from the people who brought us digital watches... smiley - winkeye

I guess that this is most useful as a chronometric system for programmers and computers themselves, as 0-1000 is a far more straightforward decimal system than the current. Either that or it's a sneaky attempt by the Swiss to hijack the global meridian from Greenwich. smiley - winkeye

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 6


I thought that 0-1024 would be more easy for computers.

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 7


Shouldn't that be '10000000000' binary-style? smiley - winkeye

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 8


smiley - smiley

My head hurts

*wishes he'd paid more attention in maths at school*

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 9


Hey Croz!

Guess what... Yep, it's been picked & accepted! smiley - smiley

Time for the official bit:
"Thanks for your recommendation. You'll be glad to know that we think this entry is great, and it has now gone into the Editorial Process for future inclusion in the Edited Guide. When it does get into the Edited Guide, we will email to let you know, but please bear in mind it can take a while for entries to go through the sub-editing system. Thanks for writing for the guide!"

Congratulations! smiley - smiley

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 10

Zak T Duck

Cheers Nexus! smiley - smiley

Merry Crozmas! smiley - xmastree

A438789- Universal Internet Time

Post 11

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they haven't been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.h2g2.com/SubEditors-Process


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