A Conversation for Talking Point: Guilty Pleasures

Websurfing in bed

Post 1


When I retired I was given a laptop (more imaginative than a gold watch and more useful).

On the monday morning after I made a coffee in the teasmade equivalent and tuned in to H2G2 and a few other places. I covered a vast amount of material just by following links.

It can be very informative especially H2G2, google and wikipedia. I haven't had to open my deadtree dictionary for months as online sources are (usually) more accurate and certainly more up to date. And your toes are kept warm.

The BBC news site is a very good home page, the country profiles are a very handy potted geography

Websurfing in bed

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

"And your toes are kept warm"

WOW sounds like a great excuse for me!
*note to self*

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