Talking Point: Guilty Pleasures

5 Conversations

The band 10CC in 1974.

Guilty pleasures. The idea has become associated with music, following the famous album and London club night where people could dance along to the likes of 10CC, Ryan Paris and Andrea True Connection without experiencing any of the stigma associated with being 'uncool.' Or rather, to use a postmodern cliché, being uncool to the point of being cool. (In theory).

However, the concept of the 'guilty pleasure' needn't be confined to music. There are some foods that we enjoy that we know aren't good for us, or that we eat without or that just aren't classy. They're not likely to ever serve spaghetti hoops with Alphabites at the Ivy.

Then there's television: programmes that might not be worthy, well-thought-out or even funny. They're just a mildly diverting way of spending 30 minutes or so. Films with endings you can see coming from a mile away, that you watch again and again.

There's nothing we like more than sitting back and watching a re-run of Man About the House' while eating a big pile of processed cheese squares. So, we'd like to as you:

  • What are your guilty pleasures?

  • Which piece of music do you know you really shouldn't like but can't help yourself?

  • Which television programmes are you ashamed to say that you set time aside for?

  • Do you like any films that are so bad that they're good?

  • Are there any foods that you enjoy but feel guilty about from an ethical point of view?

  • Do you feel that the whole notion of a 'guilty' pleasure is a ridiculous one? Do you think that we should all be unashamed about our likes and dislikes?

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