A Conversation for Topic of the Week: How should the NHS be funded?

Free but GOOD NHS!

Post 1


Here's how to do it, it's incredibly simple.
Go to Holland. Ask how they Police their drug & Prostition industries.
Bring those ideas back to the UK.
Legalise certain soft drugs, regulate and tax them.
Legalise Prostitution, regulate and tax it. Let the workers who are currently illegal suggest ideas for self-regulation and then appoint regional regulators who are workers or former workers themselves, so they know what their talking about.
Look at how much money is created by drugs, prostitution & Pornography every year.
If they want someone to make sure Prositution is looked after correctly get someone like Cyntha Payne, after all she's an expert!
With the tax revenue from the 2 sources the NHS could not only be totally free for everyone we could have all the latest equipment, afford to pay staff decent wages and have modern, clean hi-tech hospitals.

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Free but GOOD NHS!

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