A Conversation for Seven Card W**kstain

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 21

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I think the "biscuit" game probably began as a nasty urban myth, but some drunk boys I knew were bound and determined to give it a shot...... They *really* felt sick the next morning when they started to sober up. smiley - yuk

Suffice it to say, I rather doubt the game is played with an regularity.

smiley - aliensmile

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 22



A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 23


To anyone watching this conversation who hasn't heard of the biscuit game.
Please don't ask!

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 24

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

I have to confess (no I haven't played the biscuit game) that I thought from the title that 7CW was a BG varient.

What a very very nasty game. I have to say I think some form of controlled victimisation is usually good in a drinking game but this is just sick.

Great entry however. I just hope for the good of society nobody decides to play the game as a result. One minor point: I wasn't clear for the description whether w**kers with few cards were supposed to "spit" (ie spit phelm) or to "spit their drink" at the corresponding w**kee. Since I don't ever ever ever intend to play this game, it hardly matters, but I thought I'd mention it.

Nice one but smiley - yuk and smiley - yuk again.


A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 25

Martin Harper

phlegm of course... smiley - winkeye

I'll make it clearer some time shortly - glad you all 'like' it...

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 26


I'm sorry, I have to ask... The Biscuit Game?

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 27

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

GreyDesk asked: "I'm sorry, I have to ask... The Biscuit Game?"

Suffice it to say that a) women are not physiologically capable of playing and b) an actual description of the game would most likely be offensive enough to be in violation of the house rules.

smiley - aliensmile

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 28


Ok were heading in a certain direction, but I am still in the dark (and now rather nervous).

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 29


Whoever loses has to eat the biscuit smiley - yuk

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 30


*getting more nervous*

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 31


prior to that a group session invovling the words shuffle and knuckle is the key...

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 32


I went and looked it up. I now rather wish I hadn'tsmiley - yuk

Is this game popular with rugby players by any chance? As that would explain my (now sadly lost) ignorance.

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 33


I've personally never believed it but was somewhat disabused above.
I believe it's supposed to be popular in British Public Schools - but I've never met anyone who (admits at least) plays it.

A435584 - Seven Card W**kstain

Post 34


I'll ask around at work next week. There are a mix of rugby playing ex-public school boys there, along with state school plebs like me. Perhaps we can nail the cultural origin of this game once and for allsmiley - erm

Thread Moved

Post 35

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'Seven Card W**kstain'.

Despite being very well written, this entry is gross! (It's Sam here, by the way. smiley - winkeye) We might well have had an entry on snot before (or was it bogeys?) but we draw the line at encouraging people to spit copious amounts of phlegm at each other's faces! The 'game' is asinine, extremely unhealthy and it also contravenes one of our most sacred house rules which clearly states, 'No spitting!' smiley - winkeye

Nice try - it's still in the Guide - but unfortunately we've asked the Scout that picked this to pick another for inclusion in to the Edited Guide.

Sorry. smiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 36

Martin Harper

Hmm, hi Sam.

I'm not entirely clear where you get the idea that this game encourages people to spit phlegm at one another. The entry is quite clear that it's a game that researchers should avoid at all costs, and I would challenge you to find anything that counts as 'promotion'.

Besides, the 'no spitting' rule applies only to virtual spitting... smiley - winkeye

Thread Moved

Post 37


Well, I virtually coughed and spluttered all over this dreadful entry in an apoplectic fit, so surely that must render it unsuitable - at the very least unhygienic! smiley - winkeye Lucinda, I just don't see how the Edited Guide will suffer because of this entry's absence from it - it's still in the Guide and it's still searchable. It was reasonably well written and in 'form' it fulfilled Editied Guide criteria. Its 'content' however, we deemed to be tasteless, and, well, basically useless. As far as the Edited Guide is concerned, we have to maintain certain standards where possible, and as I said earlier, this entry is still in the Guide at large. smiley - smiley

All the best to you. smiley - smiley


Thread Moved

Post 38

Martin Harper

hey - how come I go from 'very well written' to 'reasonably well written' without changing a word!? smiley - winkeye I guess I'm still just amazed that Snuggle Bunnies are deemed to be in good taste... smiley - bigeyes

Fair enough, I suppose. At least it'll give me an opportunity to try out the alternative writing workshop smiley - biggrin

Thread Moved

Post 39


No, you're right - I have to concede that it was very well written. smiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 40


Good thing they tossed it out, else I wouldn't be able to add it to A767081 the AGG/GAG unedited games page! This will be under the heading "Card Games With Naughty Words In Their Titles," which is rapidly becoming the largest section.

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