A Conversation for The Definitive Hitchhiker's Guide to Wrestling

Names for Bio section

Post 1

Johnny Regular

I think doing the big guide entry on wrestling is perfect, and here are some names you might want to cover in the biography section.
1) Bill Muldoon- Pretty much popularised wrestling in the US. The first real National Champion.
2) Frank Gotch-- The great champion of the turn of the Century, the Hulk Hogan of the Day.
3) George Hackenschmidt- the Other great champion of the early 1900s, also the first World Champion by many people's beliefs
4) Ed Strangler Lewis- Perhaps the greatest pure wrestler ever, and the country's biggest star until TV came around. A huge star in the 20s and the man who trained Lou Thesz.
5) Gorgeous George- the guy who made wrestling on TV. He sold millions of TVs in the early 50s with his Sissyboy routine
6) Lou Thesz- the longest reigning champion in NWA history. A legend for almost 60 years.
7) Buddy Rogers- A star in teh Northeast and the first WWWF champion.
8) Jerry the King Lawler- the Man who ruled Memphis wrestling for almost 30 years, and the man who did some of the greatest angles, matches and interviews ever.
9) Vince McMahon jr.- the Man who defined wrestling for the 80s and late 90s
10) Rikidozan- The man who brought wrestling to Japan and became the world's biggest star for a few years.
11) El Santo- the Rock 35 years before the Rock. The biggest star ever in Mexico.
And of course the more modern guys like Flair, Hogan, Savage, Misawa, Inoki, Baba, Hart, Michaels, Austin, The Rock and the rest.
If you need any help, let me know

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