The Definitive Hitchhiker's Guide to Wrestling

4 Conversations

Hello, this will soon become The Definitive Hitchhikers Guide to Wrestling. I just got the idea from my friend, HappyDude :-P, and I need to do alot of work. The basic outline for this guide is as follows:

1. A history of Wrestling, from the earliest forms to the modern "sports-entertainment".
2. Biographies on great wrestlers. (will take add more wrestlers if requested)
3. The many different types of wrestling and their histories. (sorta a sub-topic of #1)
4. An encyclopedia of wrestling moves (giving percise descriptions), wrestlers (giving some background info), and wrestling language.
5. The myths around wrestling and common modern misperceptions.

Well, I better get to work on this. Don't be expecting it for a month or 5! LOL! But seriously, I am planing on making this the biggest, and best article on any sport in H2G2's Guide to the Earth.

*whisperHappyDude is also going to be helping me out with GuidML, so I will be able to make it look really shnazy, with pictures too!whisper*

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