A Conversation for Breakdancing

A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 1


(http://www.h2g2.com/A43147) I felt the entry which currently exists for "breakdancing" required a bit more information. I have submitted, in the form of a Discussion Entry, a prospective addendum to the existing entry (http://www.h2g2.com/F5873?thread=87252). Thank you in advance for your review and consideration of my writeup.

A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 2


The way it's written, your conversation addendum could stand alone as an entry for break dancing.

I like the fact you referenced capoeira; I'm a capoeirista and I happen to be writing an entry of my own on capoeira.

One of my pet peeves is how people mistake capo for break dancing, as all the idiot layman sees is guys doing handstands, headstands, and similar basic steps. No matter that the music involved is completely different, and capo involves kicking at one's opponent.


A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 3


I don't know much about Breakdancing, but I agree with Wampus. You do not have to add your addendum on to the current entry you mention. Actually, I don't think you can. I think H2G2 will only make changes to entries that are already "edited" entries. The entry you link to is not an edited entry.

There are no edited entries on breakdancing yet. You can put what you wrote in that addendum in your own entry, and yours can be the first.

However, what you wrote, while filled with information, is short. Personally I'd like a little more information about the history of breakdancing, and perhaps some examples of its more famous practitioners.


A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 4


Quality - I also think it should stand alone, although it could be expanded to include some examples of moves (and you might want to reference my entry on Moon-Walking - http://www.h2g2.com/A472925 - which I shall be recommending shortly smiley - winkeye)

A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 5


I'm just writing here so that this thread will come to the attention of the moderators:
There is a link to a forum thread in the first posting in this thread. Would one of you lovely moderators be kind enough to have a quick peek at that thread and un-hide it if you are happy. It would make my scouting bit a bit easier! Thanks, and *big hugs* to whichever moderator is moderating this smiley - smiley

smiley - doctor

- Adam

A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 6


My entry on the Moon-walk got edited - now at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A507250

A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 7

Martin Harper

Well - I'm afraid an entry which has a link to a thread rather than to an entry is pretty much in breach of the PR guidelines - which is why we have this problem with the thread being hidden...

So I suspect this thread should be moved to the Sin Bin - I'd love to see an entry on Breakdancing, though - so if anyone reading this knows about it - please go make an entry and post it here! smiley - biggrin

A43147 - Breakdancing

Post 8


I'm afraid I second the sin binning.

The original article is neither edited nor at all suitable for the edited guide so go on and write a proper article and try again.
Breakdancing was all the rage when I was a teenager so i'd love to see someone write a full entry on it smiley - smiley


Thread Moved

Post 9

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Breakdancing'.

Back to Entry - at only 70 words, this is a bit short; it would be easier to start from scratch to cover this topic.

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