A Conversation for Anime and Manga


Post 1

I'm not really here

My friend, who is really into anime and manga, told me that the eyes were so big because that's where the Japanese believe the soul is.


Post 2


Sorry, my understanding is that the Japanese believe the soul is located in the "Harra" a point a few inches below the navel. The eyes are drawn so big because the japanese learned animation from the french (hence the name "anime") and because most facial expression is in the eyes, so big eyes make for easier to read expressions.


Post 3


The famous manga/anime artist Osamu Tezuka was a big fan of Disney's, especially the large and cute eyes. So he started using the big-eyed look in his manga "Tetsuwan Atomu" ("Astroboy" in the English translation). It became popular, and has developed in Japan ever since.

The two reasons I've heard are:
- It's cute
- Big eyes can express feelings easier


Post 4


Thanks for the info, wasn't he the same one who did Speed Racer (Mach Go Go Go) ? I've been hearing rumors that someone is trying to do a live action version of Speed Racer. It was one of my favorites as a child. Have you heard anything?

Speed Racer

Post 5


Yeah, he's the one who made Speed Racer. I don't know anything about a live action version...
I haven't even seen the anime smiley - sadface

Speed Racer

Post 6


rumors abound of course, but the earliest were predicting Tom Cruise to play the lead. I'm sure there will be many changes before it becomes a reality (if ever, remember all the rumors about a possible wolverine movie about 6 or 8 years ago?). There is also news that speilberg has bought the rights to do a live action Bubblegum Crisis. The working story so far has them in L.A. instead of NeoTokyo, and I don't like what I'm hearing about the changes to the main characters, but it still has a long way to go before filming actualy starts, mabey they'll fix the story before then.


Post 7


all of those reasons probally explain why the eyes are so big. maybe the subeds will put it in. if not ill revise it.

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