A Conversation for Anime and Manga

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 1



Doing a search for anime and manga i noticed the lack of a entry on the both in general. Well here it is, folks!

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 2


I havn't read any manga, so I couldn't comment, but for the anime maybe a quick section on where to start, mention some of the better films. Say Akira (that really has to be mentioned), The Wings of Honamanisay?, Ghost in the Shell. Mayvbe mention how the beginner is not going to have a clue about what is going on the first time, but this is normal etc smiley - smiley Just an idea smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 3


Ah, another good entry!
I'm not really an Anime/Manga fan, but I've seen Akira, Patlabors 1 & 2 and some film with lots of bikes and gore, which wasn't particularly great. I must say that Ghost in the Shell is one of my favourite films ever - I've recently analysed the opening scene for mediastudies, and it really is a work of art!

I especially like your Glossary section.

Here are a few thoughts I've got about the entry:
FAQ: 'than we do in the USA'. Possibly 'In the West' or another alternative to USA? I know we don't have a lot of nudity (okay, ANY) in UK kids cartoons! (Admittedly, most are actually US imports, so I suppose the comment still stands...)
Also, your brackets appear to have slipped in your "AKA hentai" comment.

Finally, as Cresent pointed out, how about more detail about famous Anime films that people should watch if they're interested? And Manga comics? And where are the best places to buy it?

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 4


way ahead of you. i added a section on buying, what the "classics" are, updated the glossary, and did something else i forgot about.

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 5


well done that man. I'll take a look-see when I have more time and nothing terribly important to revise for...

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 6


Suberb smiley - smiley I would try and get rid of the US-centric shops etc. but that can be a job for the sub-ed smiley - smiley This should have no bother becoming an Edited Guide Entry smiley - smiley Good going smiley - smiley Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 7


so...what do i do now. do i just wait for the sub-ed to go through it or should i contact one.

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 8


What happens now is a Scout will come along and pick your Entry to go to the Edited Guide. It then gets passed to a Sub-Ed, who tidies it up, and then returns it to The Towers. They give it a once over, make sure everything is spot on, and put it onto the front page, and into The Edited Guide smiley - smiley However, this may take a bit of time. The Sub-Eds are still going through the queue from the previous system, though they are more than half way through it now smiley - smiley and the Scouts are only picking a handful a week, at the moment, so it may take a wee bit of time. Patience is the watchword smiley - smiley Hope this helps, and if you have any more questions then please ask smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 9



A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 10


Any time smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 11

Zak T Duck

Great news! Your entry has made it through the Peer Review and has been recommended for the Edited Guide. Here's the official word form the Towers:

"Thanks for your recommendation. You'll be glad to know that we think this entry is great, and it has now gone into the Editorial Process for future inclusion in the Edited Guide. When it does get into the Edited Guide, we will email to let you know, but please bear in mind it can take a while for entries to go through the sub-editing system. Thanks for writing for the guide!"


Croz (Scout)

A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 12

Mark Moxon

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.


A430309 - Anime and Manga

Post 13


Wow, havnt been able to get to the site for a while (dont know why, server or something) but when i finally get back i get good news. yipee!

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