Talking Point: Will We Survive?

8 Conversations

Some Roman ruins.

Picture the scene: those civic-minded clever citizens of Ancient Rome ambling among the bright, newly-erected coliseums on a perfectly warm Italian morning, the furthest thing from their minds the thought that one day, all this will be rubble. The same could be said of the

Greeks or the Minoans or the Incas; all great civilisations that represented the very acme of human potential and develpopment but which eventually disappeared forever under creeping foliage, ivy and dust.

Surely it's only a matter of time before it happens to our civilisation too? And if it does, will we know when it's happening? Will there be somebody left to turn off the lights? Could we survive such a thing?

  • At what point then does society's veneer of permanence and infallibilty crumble? When do the cracks start to really show? And would we notice?

  • It is thought that in this country if we go ten days without oil and petrol anarchy will ensue and so-called civil society will resemble a free for all. Is this right?

  • Have we become so softened by the luxuries of modern life that we're now incapable of surviving without running tapwater, central heating and Pot Noodles?

  • Could you describe what this country will be like in 500 years' time? Will there be a new world order? What might we look like?

  • So much of modern creative genius has found expression in digital format but will this survive the ravages of time? Will future archaeologists excavate intact hard drives in the year 2508? Perhaps cave-painting and mosaics are a more reliable way of ensuring our cultural legacy survives after all?

  • We have always tended to think that the times we live in 'right now' represent man's highest progress to date but is this right? Were the Minoans any less civilised than we are today?

  • If your normal way of life became drastically altered, would you have the skills to carry on? If you had to take to the woods, could you survive? Do you keep a stash of tinned food, blankets, matches, water, just in case...?

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