Montgenevre - France

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Visited in Late Dec('99)/Early Jan('00)

This ski resort is a small traditional French village on the Italian Border. Apparently the Norwegians premiered Alpine Skiing here as a leisure pursuit before anywhere else. The first ski race was held here in 1907, and they claim to be the home of Alpine Skiing

Brilliant - apparently not much snow the day before we arrived but it sure made up for it! Plenty of Skiing - especially when you include the Claviere region just over the border (which we didn't get to ski as there was a bit too much snow!). Virtually all the Hotels are on the Front - with a short walk across the road/carpark to the first lift - or a 5 min walk to the CableCar on the other side of the valley.

Plenty of good night life - try drinking a Giraffe(?sp) - a tall tube full of Beer with a Tap at the bottom to let the Beer out. Chair lifts are relatively modern and get you to the top fairly quickly. Unrowded - even at the weekend, especially for France. Plenty of nice long runs, and a couple of challenging Blacks.

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