A Conversation for The Rank
Off again
Sho - employed again! Started conversation Nov 10, 2000
Hi Gwennie,
Hope everything is ok. I have had trouble getting into some conversations, so if you see Greebo around apologise for my sudden disappearance, please.
I'm off to Korea for a week now (yippppeeee!) which will be real torture in a 5 star hotel, and no kids to wake me in the night! Luxury! And, no boring meetings to attend since it's a getting to know you jolly.
If I find a Cyber cafe in downtown Seoul I'll send you a Cyber postcard from there!
Off again
Gwennie Posted Nov 26, 2000
Hi Sho...
Apologies for the delay in replying to your post - I was off h2g2 for over a week and hadn't checked the Rank for a while.
I got your Email with the link and then the one with the correct link (I had to get that one in ).
I'm "tied up" at the moment, but will sent you an Email soon (real life permitting).
Off again
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 29, 2000
I am just glad you're ok, you know when I don't see you around I start to cluck like a mummy hen (which is what I am, deep deep down).
PS. Don't forget to vote for my Christmas poem when it appears in the Post.......
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