A Conversation for The Shed c/o Riverside Cottage

Constructional Cursing

Post 1


*Hammering and swearing in equal quantities can be heard coming from within the quaint two-storey Shed, transported from its original location, and being lovingly (most of the time) reconstructed and renovated within the grounds of Riverside Cottage, the abode of Lady C*

"Blimey, I's being abslotely knackered. Still, thar'll be t'old roof on. Might gets mesel a dry nights kip at larst, ooh ar, seein if I don't"

Constructional Cursing

Post 2


*Lady C pokes her head round the door.*
Have you finished this shed yet? I really don't think my visitors want to see your tools all over the place.
Lady C
smiley - fish

Constructional Cursing

Post 3


*props himself up on one elbow from where he is lying in his rude cot, situated on the second floor, and sighs heavily, wondering why he puts up with her sometimes, why he is still around after all these years. He pulls an old photo from his pocket, gazes at it for a few seconds and then tucks it away again. That's why, he reminds himself*

"Yes ma'am, i's be doing its promptly. Another couples of days 'n it'll be roight as rain. I's be bringing ins most of mees tools in a jiffy, so as nots to be cluttrin' ups the lawrns any more"

*trudges down the ladder and starts putting his many tools away, handling each lovingly. They have been his friends over the years, apart from 'her', of course. He carries on.*

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