A Conversation for h2g2's Christmas Community Social
How about Legoland?
Natalie Ford (h2g2) Started conversation Oct 12, 2000
Speaking as one of the (at least) two (soon to be three?) h2g2 staff with season passes to Legoland in Windsor, I can really recommend it.
How about Legoland?
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 12, 2000
Isn't it (a) expensive and (b) awkward to get to?
How about Legoland?
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 12, 2000
Ohhh but LEGO And lego houses
And Lego cars
And LEGO toys
*looks very excited*
I think it's a genius idea
How about Legoland?
I'm not really here Posted Oct 12, 2000
It's a family place, not somewhere to take a huge crowd of adults.
IMHO this is a very bad idea. Leave Legoland alone.
How about Legoland?
NexusSeven Posted Oct 13, 2000
If there isn't a Lego pub, I'm not going.
(and if I'd told myself aged 8 that I wouldn't want to go to Legoland, I'd have lynched myself.)
How about Legoland?
Abi Posted Oct 13, 2000
Also what is going to be like in November?
Personally I love lego and I am 28! Damn no I am 27 - I am 28 in February. I am obsessed with making myself older then I really am ATM!
How about Legoland?
I'm not really here Posted Oct 13, 2000
I love Legoland too, I've been to Windsor and Denmark, but it's not the place for us.
How about Legoland?
I'm not really here Posted Oct 13, 2000
I'd have to dismantle the legoland that exists in my house first.
How about Legoland?
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 13, 2000
Bring Lego, bring Lego
*rushes off to purchase a train ticket*
I like Lego...I found some old Duplo when we were clearing out my mates bedroom the other day but it just wasn't the same
How about Legoland?
I'm not really here Posted Oct 13, 2000
Lego party at Mina's house after xmas! I will have too much too cope with I think. Boys and their lego, it drives me mad.
How about Legoland?
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 13, 2000
Ooooh Lego party! Now there's a good idea although I suspect there may only be Abi and I who think so
How about Legoland?
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 13, 2000
Does a H2g2 meetup count with just three of us?
How about Legoland?
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 14, 2000
As long as you're sure Do you have technic Lego or would you like me to supply that as my brother probably has some somewhere... Then we can make little train's to carry our drinks for us
How about Legoland?
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 14, 2000
What about me? Can I come or is it girls only?
How about Legoland?
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Oct 15, 2000
Ummm...it's Mina's party you'd have to ask her but how good are you at building lego trains?
How about Legoland?
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 15, 2000
I'm sure I could have a go.
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How about Legoland?
- 1: Natalie Ford (h2g2) (Oct 12, 2000)
- 2: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 12, 2000)
- 3: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 12, 2000)
- 4: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 12, 2000)
- 5: I'm not really here (Oct 12, 2000)
- 6: NexusSeven (Oct 13, 2000)
- 7: Abi (Oct 13, 2000)
- 8: I'm not really here (Oct 13, 2000)
- 9: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 13, 2000)
- 10: I'm not really here (Oct 13, 2000)
- 11: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 13, 2000)
- 12: I'm not really here (Oct 13, 2000)
- 13: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 13, 2000)
- 14: I'm not really here (Oct 13, 2000)
- 15: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 13, 2000)
- 16: I'm not really here (Oct 14, 2000)
- 17: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 14, 2000)
- 18: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 14, 2000)
- 19: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Oct 15, 2000)
- 20: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 15, 2000)
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