A Conversation for The Rant Shack

Ranters, where are you???

Post 1


Has the world suddenly become a sunnier place? Have your Leaders led you to Nirvana? Have all your wishes been granted, your dreams fulfilled? smiley - huh?
No? smiley - doh
You do surprise me. smiley - bigeyes So why aren't you still howling at the gods, smiley - wah demanding restitution of your Inalienable Rights? Why, when I find a club that seems to fit my irascibility, do I find a barren space, with nobody at whom to yell, nowhere to grind my tooth, no shoulder upon which to moan, (I don't do weeping), no fellow-sufferer to share my woe?smiley - grr

Have you all abandoned hope????????????????????smiley - weird

Dig smiley - senior aka LadyDig smiley - eureka
'venerable' as per one of the definitions in Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary:

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Ranters, where are you???

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